Marcos Christino Fioravanti

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Marcos Christino Fioravanti's history is full of interesting passages and translates the spirit of creativity of the first FIORAVANTI settling down in Brazilian lands.

Marcos Christino Fioravanti was son of Ângelo Fioravanti and he was born in 1775 in Santa Marta's Island, in the then Republic of Venice. Graduated in Medicine, due to the Napoleonic wars he went to serve as doctor in the Royal British Navy and, in 1803, being Surgeon of HMS Seahorse, he disembarked at the town of the Desterro (today Florianópolis) and from there he went to Rio Grande do Sul where he first settled down in Osório where married on June 17, 1804 with Emerenciana Maria of Jesus Joaquina Bittencourt, daughter of Francisco Bittencourt and of Dona Ana of Jesus, according to the register of the N.S. of Conceição Church. in Liv. o1, fls. 16 of marriages. In 1837, Marcos Christino Fioravanti married his second wife Dona Cândica Gomes of Almeida.

On December 7, 1809, having been approved in exam in Brazil, his letter of Surgeon was confirmed.

On April 3, 1811, the registers prove his leadership in the participation of the creation of the Town of Santo Antonio da Patrulha and it was also one of the founders of the Municipality of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, RS. There he built the first two stores house, where it lived up to 1856, when he sold all his properties and moved with his family to São Borja, RS.

He built a Baroque style fountain, that supplied water to the city, of which the Emperor Dom Pedro I drank during his visit to the place, in 1826, with the Imperial Army. The imperial coat7 of arms was then put on the fountain, where it is until today.

In July 2 of 1854 Marcos was favored by the Emperor with the officership of the Order of the Rose.

Marcos Christino Fioravanti had a countless descents, among which stand out illustrious children, grandchildren, great-grandsons, etc. Among them, we detached his illustrious great-grandson, João Neves of Fontoura, senator, Minister of the External Relations of Brazil, and member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, who died in 1963. Another descent, in male line of primogeniture is Alberto Rosa Fioravanti, who for almost 30 years exercised functions in the exterior for specialized organisms of UN, like FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and for WFP – World Food Program of FAO/UNO. Today retired but exercising consultancies on social and economic development and poverty alleviation, in the exterior and in Brazil. Alberto Rosa Fioravanti is son of Augusto Fioravanti and of Lady Amélia Rosa Fioravanti, born in 1942, in Muqui, in the Espírito Santo, but raised in Campos of Goytacazes, RJ, where he studied at the State School of the Liceu of Humanities of Campos, and later in Niterói, where he graduated in Economy from the Fluminense Federal University in 1965. He obtained a degree in development planning at then University of Pittsburgh in 1967 and latter, his masters degree in Rural Development at the Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the OAS, in Turrialba, Costa Rica, in 1970 and a doctorate degree at the University of Sarasota, in Florida, USA, in 1975. He conducts research in socio-economic matters, rural development and poverty problems, and provides technical services related to social development and poverty alleviation in the exterior and in Brazil, and is also devoted in undertaking historic and heraldic researches, being member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Niterói. He writes weekly chronicles for local and regional newspapers, and is a member of the Academy Campista of Letters.

The history of Marcos Christino Fioravanti is still under construction and progressively new data will be incorporated.

Bibliographic sources: 1 - Santo Antonio da Patrulha, Re-conhecendo sua História. De Corália Ramos Benfica, et al. EST Edições, Porto Alegre, 2000. 2 - Viagem pela Provincia do Rio Grande do Sul. De Robert Avé-Lallemant, Editora Itatiaia Limitada, 1980. 3 - Jornais do Instituto Histórico Geografico de SAP.