Marcel Iureş

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Marcel Iureş

Iureş in the title role of Enrico IV at Teatrul Bulandra's Sala Izvor
Born August 2, 1951 (1951-08-02) (age 56)

Marcel Iureş (born August 2, 1951) is a Romanian stage and screen actor.

He was born in Băileşti and has appeared in a several American films, the most noted being Amen, Hart's War, Mission: Impossible, Interview with the Vampire, The Peacemaker, and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

The director of Fundaţia Teatrul ACT, the first independent stage in Romania, Iureş also stars as a stage actor in various roles, including the title roles of William Shakespeare's Richard II, Richard III (directed by Mihai Măniuţiu), and Hamlet (directed by Liviu Ciulei). He has also appeared in Fundaţia Teatrul ACT-staged shows such as Creatorul de Teatru (The Creator of the Theatre, directed by Alexandru Dabija), Cetatea Soarelui (Citadel of the Sun, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu), and Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape. Iureş has also performed with Teatrul Bulandra, for whom he played the lead in a 2005 production of Luigi Pirandello's Enrico IV.

[edit] Filmography

  • Youth Without Youth (2007)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
  • Isolation (2005)
  • Goal! (2005)
  • The Cave (2005)
  • Layer Cake (2004)
  • The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea (2004)
  • Aventurile unei zile (2004, A Few Day's Adventures)
  • Cambridge Spies (2003) (TV)
  • 3 păzeşte (2003, Three Warnings)
  • Dracula the Impaler (2002) (voice)
  • Hart's War (2002)
  • Amen (2002; a.k.a. Eyewitness, and in Germany as Der Stellvertreter)
  • I Hope... (2001)
  • The Elite (2001)
  • Faimosul paparazzo (1999, The Famous Paparazzo)
  • The Peacemaker (1997)
  • Mission: Impossible (1996)
  • Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
  • Un été inoubliable (1994, An Unforgettable Summer)
  • Somnul insulei (1994, The Sleep of the Island)
  • Balanţa (1992, The Scale) a.k.a. Stejarul (The Oak; known in French as Le Chêne).
  • Cei care plătesc cu viaţa (1991, Those Who Pay with Their Lives)
  • Un Bulgăre de humă (1989, A Ball of Clay)
  • Vacanţa cea mare (1988 lit. Vacation by the Sea; a.k.a. The Big Holiday, The Great Vacation)
  • Domnişoara Aurica (1985, Ms. Aurica)
  • Sezonul pescăruşilor (1985, Seagull Season)
  • Să mori rănit din dragoste de viaţă (1983, Fatally Injured by Love of Life, a.k.a. To Die from Love of Life)
  • Castle in the Carpathians (1981)
  • Vis de ianuarie (1978, January Dream)

[edit] External links