Marc Segar

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Marc Alexander Segar (April 2, 1974- December 1997) was a British autist.

He was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in 1981 and died aged 23 years old, the result of a car accident.

Hans Aspergers' original writings on Asperger's were only translated into the English language in the 1980s and only widely popularised in 1991. At this time there were no published first person accounts by those diagnosed with Asperger's, and Mark was among the first people in the UK diagnosed with Asperger's to write a first person account of the condition; a handbook of life for autist. Whilst recognized primarily in the autism field, some of his ideas go to against current common acceptance. For example: "I myself believe that if a borderline autistic person has to go out into this rather obnoxious world independently then the last thing they need is to be sheltered".[citation needed]

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