Marc Meyer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dr. Marc R. Meyer is an archaeologist and anthropologist who is notable for his excavation of, and research into, the remains of fossil hominids such as Homo erectus.

Marc Meyer is an Artist and Sculptor, working in a multitude of mediums. Car Crazy and Owner of several antique pick-up trucks. Marc Meyer is also a photographer and some of his work can be seen

Marc T. Meyer is one of South West Florida’s most notable tech bloggers Marc Meyer has been able to take technology and meld it in a way that makes sense not only for the lay person but also the discerning CTO of a Fortune 500 company. By understanding and creating more ways for business owners to interact and engage with their customers, Marc has continuously strived to understand technology best practices from the average users perspective, so as to enlighten even the biggest doubter of the power of the digital revolution.

As aDirector of Interactive Marketing, Marc has been able to leverage his backgound in marketing, sales and technology to a degree in which people actually do not “glaze over” when he speaks… Having been the first to coin the phrase, “Digital Response Marketing”, Marc seeks to raise the art and science of digital marketing to a level where every company and organization becomes adept at knowing what it takes to be successful at attracting new prospects, converting those valuable prospects into sales, and converting those buyers into life long clients and ultimately, winning online.

As a digital response marketer and marketing consultant, Marc is uniquely qualified to observe, dissect, and disseminate what people want, how they want it, why they want it, and how to get it to them via the web or mobile device.

Marc has been showing companies “the way” for almost 13 years in various capacities. He’s held positions ranging from CTO and Director Of Interactive Marketing at Emerson Direct to VP of Sales and Marketing at Marblejar to one of the top sales executives at CEI. Marc currently consults with numerous consumer product companies on how to achieve better results with their marketing, sales and online efforts, so as to see a quicker, more effective way to manage operations on their own so as to lessen their dependency on 3rd parties.

Because of his diverse background, Marc is uniquely qualified to give clients, readers and anyone willing to listen, his views on everything that is socially and tech relevant today, as it pertains to the digital marketplace. Marc frequently speaks and evangelizes on how companies can do it better with less, or just how they can be smarter about how they get from point A to point B.

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