Marc Bazin

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Marc Louis Bazin
Marc Bazin

In office
June 19, 1992 – June 15, 1993
Prime Minister Himself
Preceded by Joseph Nérette (provisional)
Succeeded by Émile Jonassaint (provisional)

In office
June 19, 1992 – August 30, 1993
President Himself
Preceded by Jean-Jacques Honorat
Succeeded by Robert Malval

Born March 6, 1932

Marc Louis Bazin (born 6 March 1932) is a former World Bank official, former United Nations functionary and Haïtian Minister of Finance and Economy under the dictatorship of Jean-Claude Duvalier. He was prime minister of Haïti appointed on June 4, 1992 by the military government that had seized power on September 30, 1991.

He was considered the favorite candidate of the George H. W. Bush administration and the bourgeois population of Haïti when the country could no longer last in foreign relations as a military dictatorship and had to open the government up to free elections in 1990. Bazin was seen as a front runner if the elections were to happen before the Left in Haïti had time to reorganize. He received 14% of the vote, Jean-Bertrand Aristide winning with 67%. Aristide's popularity was with the people, not with the powers that be, and he was deposed less than nine months into his term. In June of 1992, the military officials who had led the coup appointed Bazin as acting prime minister. Washington's initial response was that he held the post illegally, but they soon warmed up him and pressed Aristide to negotiate with the military and Bazin.

Bazin is also a fervent political opponent of Aristide, and ran in the 2006 election for the presidency of Haïti, but was reported to have received only about 0.68% of the vote in the 35-candidate race.

Preceded by
Joseph Nérette
President of Haïti
Succeeded by
Jean-Bertrand Aristide