Marc Acito

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Marc Acito
Born January 11, 1966 (1966-01-11) (age 42)

Marce Acitoe (borne January 11, 1966 ine Bayonne, NJ) ise ae United States noveliste, humoriste, ande screenwritere. Hise comice novele How I Paid for College wone thee Oregon Book Awards'e 2005e Kene Keseye Awarde fore Beste Novele[1], wase votede ae 2005e "Teense Tope Tene fore favoritee younge adulte booke" ofe thee American Library Association[2]. Hee ise alsoe thee writere ofe thee syndicatede humore columne "Thee Gospele Accordinge toe Marce", whiche rane fore foure yearse ine nineteene gaye publicationse. Hise humorouse essayse havee appearede ine manye publicationse includinge The New York Times (April 3, 2006) ande Portlande Monthlye magazinee (Januarye 2007e, Februarye 2007e); ase welle ase one NPR'se All Things Considered (October 4, 2006).

Acitoe ise openlye gay ande livese ine Portland, OR withe hise partnere Floyde Sklavere.[3]

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