Wikipedia:Manual of Style (infoboxes)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

✔ This guideline is a part of the English Wikipedia's Manual of Style. Editors should follow it, except where common sense and the occasional exception will improve an article. Before editing this page, please make sure that your revision reflects consensus.
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An infobox template is an infobox that uses the template software feature. They are a broad class of templates commonly used in articles to present certain summary or overview information about the subject. In theory, the fields in an infobox should be consistent across every article using it; in practice, however, this is rarely the case, for a number of reasons. When this occurs, the infobox templates should be designed to dynamically adapt themselves to the absence or presence of particular fields.

Like static infoboxes, they are designed to present summary information about an article's subject, such that similar subjects have a uniform look and in a common format. However, the template technique allows updates of style and of common text from a central place, the template page.

These boxes are designed to be placed into main articles related to the topic area, and are usually associated with on-going WikiProjects. They have parameters; to work properly, the parameter values have to be specified when the template is inserted in the page. This allows each infobox to show information relevant to the article subject, while requiring only a minimal amount of coding within each article.

WikiProject Infoboxes (talk)
Style and help

Manual of Style (infoboxes)

Infobox categories

2 Lists of inboxes
to be merged into the categories:
List of infoboxes
MoS#List of templates

Cleanup and creation


[edit] Design and usage

The recommended process for creating an infobox template is to simply begin, and gather as many requirements as possible. Test the base format for a new template as a static table first, then once consensus is reached, migrate it into template format. The template should be reviewed before being used extensively in articles in case the template or defined parameters need modification to minimize re-works. If new fields and parameters are added, articles must be updated to reflect the new requirements. If parameters are renamed or removed, many articles will likely be unaffected, since extraneous parameters are ignored.

For consistency the following guidelines apply:

  1. Standard suggested width of 300 pixels or 25 ems (300px or 25em in CSS).
  2. Insert at the top of articles and right-align
  3. Using class="infobox" is a good start.
  4. The top text line should be bold and contain the full (official) name of the item. This does not need to match the article's Wikipedia title. It should not contain a link. Avoid {{{PAGENAME}}} as pages may be moved for disambiguation.
  5. Name the template [[Template:Infobox Some subject]] (Somesubject should be in the singular and capitalized).
  6. Start words in parameter names with a small letter unless they are proper nouns.

When creating a new infobox template the content of Template:Infobox is a convenient starting point.

Parameters in infoboxes should be named, not numbered, to provide for future use. A parameter value can contain images (i.e. full image tags), or parameters for parts of an image tag such as the image name, size and caption. In the latter case, if an image is not applicable or available use a dummy image such as Image:No image.png.

If a parameter is not applicable, or no information is available, it must still be assigned a value. This can be the empty string, or if it is the only thing in a table cell use "some_field= ". The field will appear blank; the code is needed by some browsers for drawing the lines of the table itself properly.

There are alternative ways to make a template selectively hide information or provide default values if not defined. For an example and explanation of how these methods apply to infoboxes, see {{Infobox}}.

[edit] Causes of inconsistency

A number of factors can cause inconsistency in available summary information for a particular type of article:

Historical incompleteness 
Certain desired information may simply have been lost over time. For example, an infobox describing a modern bank may provide certain financial information that would be unavailable for a medieval one.
Hierarchical inconsistency 
Infoboxes that indicate hierarchical relationships may have subtly different requirements depending on where in the hierarchy the subject of the article is located. For example, an infobox for corporations will be different between an article describing a parent company and indicating its subsidiaries and an article describing a subsidiary and indicating its parent.
Feature inconsistency 
Items within a single set may have optional features that would commonly be listed in an infobox. For example, an infobox for an article about a university may include a motto; but not all universities have them.
Lack of information 
Some items in infoboxes may not be readily available or not available at all, such as the producers of an album or film. In these cases it is better to provide available information while concealing fields for which information may not be available.

[edit] Why dynamic templates?

While there are several alternatives to dynamic infoboxes, such as using multiple (forked) templates or leaving fields blank, they should be avoided, for a number of reasons:

Readers greatly outnumber editors 
The most important group to consider are the casual readers of Wikipedia, who will never do any significant editing. Infobox templates that contain many blank fields, question marks, or "Unknown"s present an unprofessional appearance, diminishing Wikipedia's reputation as a high-quality encyclopedia.
Article editors greatly outnumber template editors 
The average editor will merely use templates without making changes to them. To make things easier for them, we should aim to minimize the number of different templates they must be familiar with; creating multiple forks of templates is therefore undesirable.

[edit] General advice

The availability of optional fields does not mean that all fields should be made optional, however, nor that large numbers of rarely used fields should be added without regard for the overall layout and ease-of-use of the infobox template. In some cases, the markup for the field still needs to be downloaded even if it is not displayed. Creating overly long templates with a number of irrelevant fields is not recommended.

As you design an infobox template, consider the following questions:

Is the field of value? 
How important is the field to the articles that will use the infobox? Is it summary information, or more extended detail that may be better placed within the body of an article?
Will the field be relevant to many of the articles that will use the infobox? 
If the field is relevant to very few articles, it should probably not be included at all. Conversely, very common fields may be included—and made optional—even if they are not applicable to a few of the articles in question.
How likely is the field to be empty? 
Any field that might reasonably be empty should probably be optional. However, a field that is usually empty may not be particularly useful or relevant.

[edit] Implementations

[edit] Conditional templates

Main article: m:ParserFunctions

Special "templates" that selectively show or hide particular content (such as table rows) within an infobox based on the value of one or more template parameters.

-->{{#if:{{{party|}}}|<tr><th>Political party</th><td>{{{party|}}}</td></tr>|}}<!--

[edit] Name-resolved meta-templates

Several sub-templates (or even independent templates) with a common name prefix. They are included in an infobox based on the value of a particular parameter, which acts as the name suffix. For example, we create {{Infobox Ship/Military}} and {{Infobox Ship/Civilian}} and use {{Infobox Ship/{{{type}}}}}. Using |type=Military in an article causes {{Infobox Ship/Military}} to be used.

[edit] Multi-part infoboxes

Rather than having each field correspond to a parameter on one template, the infobox consists of an individual sub-template for each field; see, for example, Template:Taxobox.

[edit] Interaction between multiple templates

Templates can be designed in a modular way, such that various combinations are possible. A combination may even appear on the page as a single infobox.

For example, if the WikiProject Saints group wanted to design a template based on their static Infobox, they could use Template:Infobox Biography, and design a project-specific template with only additional information, and the pages would render both "stacked" together.

[edit] List of templates

In many cases, to view a template properly, one has to look at the wikitext also. Therefore below the edit pages are linked. For viewing templates it is convenient to set the preferences to "Show preview on first edit".

The backlinks show the pages with the infobox.

Below, first the primary templates are listed; they are designed to provide high-level information appropriate to a broad subject area.

[edit] Anthropology and culture

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Ethnic group (talk, links, edit) Ethnic groups Ethnic groups

[edit] Astronomy and space

[edit] Biology

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Animal (family) (talk, links, edit) Taxonavigation box for animal families (first draft) None
Template:Infobox Cultivar (talk, links, edit) Articles on plant cultivars Tree of Life
Template:Infobox Dogbreed (talk, links, edit) Dog breeds Dog breeds
Template:Mycomorphbox (talk, links, edit) Articles on species and well-defined genera of mushrooms none yet.
Template:Taxobox (talk, links, edit) Articles on species and other groups of living things Tree of Life

[edit] Chemistry

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Chembox (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Chembox simple inorganic (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Chembox simple organic (talk, links, edit)
Full chemical compound articles
  Starting inorganic compound articles
  Starting organic compound articles
Template:Methamphetamine (talk, links, edit) Articles about Methamphetamine Pharmacology

[edit] Education

Main article: Education Infoboxes

[edit] Fiction

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox animanga (talk, links, edit) Anime and manga articles. Wikipedia:WikiProject Anime and manga
Template:ASUE character (talk, links, edit) A Series of Unfortunate Events characters None / not known
Template:ASUE organisation (talk, links, edit) A Series of Unfortunate Events organisations None / not known
Template:Bondbook (talk, links, edit)
Template:BondInfo (talk, links, edit)
Template:James Bond Character (talk, links, edit)
James Bond books
James Bond movies
James Bond characters
None / not known
Template:Infobox Buffyverse Character (talk, links, edit) Buffyverse characters Wikipedia:WikiProject Buffyverse
Template:Infobox Digimon (talk, links, edit) Digimons, especially notable ones WikiProject Digimon Systems Update
Template:Doctorwhocharacter (talk, links, edit) Doctor Who characters Doctor Who
Template:Forgotten Realms Places (talk, links, edit) Forgotten Realms places Forgotten Realms
Template:Hardy Boys Character (talk, links, edit) Hardy Boys characters None / not known
Template:HP Character (talk, links, edit) Harry Potter characters Template:HP Character Foreign Template:HP Forest Character Template:HP Elf Character
Template:MASH Character (talk, links, edit) M*A*S*H characters Television?
Template:ST Character (talk, links, edit) Star Trek characters Star Trek?
Template:Stargate character (talk, links, edit) Stargate characters Stargate
Template:SW Character (talk, links, edit) Star Wars characters None / not known
Template:Infobox Television episode (talk, links, edit) pages on single episodes of television series Television episodes
Template:Transformers characters (talk, links, edit) Transformers characters None / not known

[edit] Geography

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Glacier (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox lake (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox Mountain (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox River (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox Waterfall (talk, links, edit)
Glacier articles
Lake articles
Mountain articles
River articles
Waterfall articles
Template:Infobox protected area (talk, links, edit) National parks and other protected places Protected areas
Template:Infobox CDP (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox City (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox Town (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox County (talk, links, edit)
Census-designated place (CDP)
City articles
Town articles
County articles
Template:Infobox Country (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Country Demographics (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Former Country (talk, links, edit)
    Template:Infobox Former Subdivision (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox Micronation (talk, links, edit)
Country and nation articles
  Country and nation articles
  Countries, colonies, etc. that no longer exist
    Subdivisions of former countries
  Former countries
    Former countries
Template:Infobox Settlement (talk, links, edit) Standardized infobox for any type of human settlement
city, town, village, etc
WikiProject Cities
Template:Infobox Australian Place (talk, links, edit)
Template:Australia state or territory (talk, links, edit)
Australian place articles
States and territories of Australia
Australian places
Australian politics
Template:Infobox Dutch municipality 4 (talk, links, edit) Dutch municipality articles Dutch municipalities
Template:Infobox GCC Governorate (talk, links, edit) GCC Governorates None
Template:Infobox German Location (talk, links, edit) German city articles None
Template:Infobox Pref GR (talk, links, edit) Prefectures of Greece None
Template:Infobox Province of Cameroon (talk, links, edit) Provinces of Cameroon None
Template:Peru region table (talk, links, edit) Regions of Peru None
Template:Infobox Scottish island (talk, links, edit) Scottish Islands Scottish Islands
Template:Infobox Ukrainian City (talk, links, edit) Ukrainian city articles None
Template:Infobox UK place (talk, links, edit) Any settlement in the UK None
Template:Infobox U.S. County (talk, links, edit)
Template:Infobox U.S. state (talk, links, edit)
Counties of the United States
U.S. state articles
U.S. States
Template:VenezuelanState (talk, links, edit)
Template:VenezuelanState New (talk, links, edit)
Political Divisions of Venezuela; Venezuelan State
Political Divisions of Venezuela; Venezuelan State

[edit] Industry

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Chain (talk, links, edit) Chain stores Companies
Template:Infobox Company (talk, links, edit) Business & organizations Companies
Template:Infobox Co-operative (talk, links, edit) Co-operatives Companies
Template:Infobox Defunct Company (talk, links, edit) Defunct organisations Companies
Template:Infobox Union (talk, links, edit) Trade unions Organized Labour
Template:Infobox Union by Country (talk, links, edit) Trade unions in country articles Organized Labour

[edit] Media and journalism

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Album (talk, links, edit) Any article about a music album Albums
Template:Infobox Animanga (talk, links, edit) Infobox for anime and/or manga Anime and manga
Template:Infobox Book (talk, links, edit) Infobox for books Books &
Template:Infobox Broadcast (talk, links, edit) Infobox for television stations Television Stations
Template:Infobox Film (talk, links, edit) Movies and films Films
Template:Infobox Journal (talk, links, edit) Journals
Template:Infobox Magazine (talk, links, edit) Magazines
Template:Infobox Music genre (talk, links, edit) Musical genre articles Music genres
Template:Infobox Musical artist (talk, links, edit) Musicians and musical groups Musicians
Template:Infobox Newspaper (talk, links, edit) Newspaper
Template:Infobox Publisher (talk, links, edit) Any magazine, periodical, book publisher Publisher
Template:Infobox Radio Show (talk, links, edit) Radio show Radio
Template:Infobox Radio station (talk, links, edit) Radio stations Radio Stations
Template:Infobox Single (talk, links, edit) Songs released as singles Songs
Template:Infobox Song (talk, links, edit) Songs not released as singles Songs
Template:Infobox Television (talk, links, edit) Television series Television
Template:Infobox TV channel (talk, links, edit) Infobox for television channels in the United Kingdom and Ireland British TV channels
Template:Infobox Venue (talk, links, edit) Any type of non-stadium music venue or theatre
Template:Infobox Website (talk, links, edit) Information box for articles about websites None

[edit] Military

Main article: Military Infoboxes

[edit] People

See also: Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography/Infoboxes and Category:People infobox templates
Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox actor (talk, links, edit) Actors Biography
Template:Infobox Artist (talk, links, edit) Artists (painters, sculptors, illustrators, etc.)
Template:Infobox Ethnic group (talk, links, edit) Ethnic groups Ethnic groups
Template:Infobox Military Person (talk, links, edit) Soldiers, military leaders, etc.
Template:Infobox Monarch (talk, links, edit) Monarchs, sultans, khans, etc.
Template:Infobox Officeholder (talk, links, edit) Politicians, presidents, senators, etc.
Template:Infobox Person (talk, links, edit) Articles describing people (living or deceased) Biography
Template:Infobox Playboy Playmate (talk, links, edit) Playboy Playmates None
Template:Infobox Pope (talk, links, edit) Popes None
Template:Infobox Scientist (talk, links, edit) Scientists, engineers and mathematicians None
Template:Infobox Writer (talk, links, edit) Writers, authors None

[edit] Religion

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Antipope (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Antipopes. Christianity
Template:Infobox Antipopestyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Antipopes styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Archbishop (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Archbishops. Christianity
Template:Infobox Archbishop of Canterbury (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Archbishops of Canterbury. Christianity
Template:Infobox Archbishop of York (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Archbishops of York. Christianity
Template:Infobox Archbishopstyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Archbishops styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Bishop (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Bishops. Christianity
Template:Infobox Bishop of York (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Bishop of York. Christianity
Template:Infobox bishopstyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Bishops styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Cardinal (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Cardinals. Christianity
Template:Infobox Cardinalstyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Cardinals styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Coptic Pope (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Coptic Popes. Christianity
Template:Infobox Coptic Popestyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Coptic Popes styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Patriarch (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Patriarchs. Christianity
Template:Infobox Patriarch of Constantinople (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Patriarchs of Constantinople. Christianity
Template:Infobox Patriarchstyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Patriarchs styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Pope (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Popes. Christianity
Template:Infobox popestyles (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Popes styles. Christianity
Template:Infobox Rabbi (talk, links, edit) On pages with information about Rabbis. Judaism

[edit] Sports

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Athlete (talk, links, edit) Information about Athlete Athletics
Template:Infobox baseball player (talk, links, edit) (deprecated?) Articles about professional baseball players Baseball players
Template:Infobox baseball team (talk, links, edit) Information about baseball team Baseball
Template:Infobox Boxer (talk, links, edit) Articles about professional Boxers Boxing
Template:Collegebowl (talk, links, edit) Information about an American College Football bowl game College Football
Template:College coach infobox (talk, links, edit) Information about a college sports coach College Football
Template:Infobox cricketer biography (talk, links, edit) Information about a cricketer's career Cricket
Template:Infobox cricket ground (talk, links, edit) Information about a cricket ground Cricket
Template:Infobox Cyclist (talk, links, edit) Information about a cyclist Cycling
Template:Supplemental Cyclist infobox (talk, links, edit) Information about a cyclist's second cycling discipline if any Cycling
Template:Infobox FIVB tournament (talk, links, edit) Information about FIVB tournament Volleyball
Template:Infobox Football biography (talk, links, edit) Data about football (soccer) player's and/or coach's career Football
Template:Infobox Football club (talk, links, edit) Information about a football (soccer) team Football
Template:Infobox football league (talk, links, edit) Information about a football (soccer) league Football
Template:Infobox Field Hockey Club (talk, links, edit) Information about a Field Hockey team Field Hockey
Template:Infobox MLB player (talk, links, edit) Newer version of above template Baseball players
Template:Infobox martial art (talk, links, edit) Information about a martial art Martial Art
Template:Infobox MMA event (talk, links, edit) Data about individual mixed martial arts events Mixed martial arts
Template:MMAstatsbox (talk, links, edit) Stats on individual mixed martial arts fighters Mixed martial arts
Template:Infobox NBA Player (talk, links, edit) Information about an NBA player. Wikipedia:WikiProject_National_Basketball_Association
Template:Infobox NCAA Athlete (talk, links, edit) Information about an NCAA (college) athlete. College Football
Template:NCAAFootballSchool (talk, links, edit) Information about a college football team, such as Oklahoma Sooners football. College Football
Template:NCAAFootballSingleGameHeader (talk, links, edit) Single Game header for articles about a single college football game, such as Fifth Down or 2006 Rose Bowl. College Football
Template:Infobox Rugby Union biography (talk, links, edit) Articles about professional rugby union players
Template:Infobox Sailboat Specifications (talk, links, edit) Information about sailboat classes
Template:Infobox sports league (talk, links, edit) Information on a sports league
Template:Infobox SuperBowl (talk, links, edit) Super Bowl games National Football League
Template:Infobox Tennis player (talk, links, edit) Articles about professional tennis players Tennis

[edit] Transportation

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Aircraft (talk, links, edit) Aircraft articles Aircraft
Template:Airline infobox (talk, links, edit) Airline articles Airlines
Template:Infobox Airport (talk, links, edit) Airport articles Airports
Template:Infobox Automobile (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Automobile generation (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Automobile platform (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Automobile engine (talk, links, edit)
Automobiles Automobiles
Template:infobox Bridge (talk, links, edit) Bridge articles Bridges
Template:Infobox Interstate (talk, links, edit) U.S. Interstate Highway U.S. Interstate Highway Project
Template:infobox Pier (talk, links, edit) Pier articles Piers
Template:Infobox Public transit (talk, links, edit) Public transit systems
Template:Infobox rail (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox SG rail (talk, links, edit)
  Template:Infobox Rail companies (talk, links, edit)
  Standard gauge
  Rail companies
Template:Infobox road (talk, links, edit) Roads
Template:Infobox rocket (talk, links, edit) Rockets
Template:Infobox U.S. Route (talk, links, edit)
  Template:MORoutebox (talk, links, edit)
  Template:routeboxnh (talk, links, edit)
  Template:TxRouteBox (talk, links, edit)
  Template:routeboxwa (talk, links, edit)
U.S. Highway
  Missouri State Highway articles
  New Hampshire State Highway articles
  Texas State Highway articles
  Washington State Route articles
U.S. Highway Project
  Missouri State Highway Project
  New Hampshire State Highway Project
  Texas State Highway Project
  Washington State Highway Project

[edit] Miscellaneous

Name Where to use Associated
Template:Infobox Political Party (talk, links, edit) Political parties
Template:Infobox Canada Political Party (talk, links, edit) political parties of Canada
Template:Infobox VG (talk, links, edit) Computer and video game articles Computer and video games
Template:Infobox Dam (talk, links, edit) Dam (water barrier)
Template:Infobox Game (talk, links, edit) Game descriptions Games
Template:Infobox Arcade Game (talk, links, edit) Arcade game descriptions
Template:Infobox Machinima (talk, links, edit) Machinima productions None
Template:Infobox Software (talk, links, edit) Computer software Software
Template:Infobox Top level domain (talk, links, edit) Top level domain None
Template:Infobox roller coaster (talk, links, edit) Roller coasters Roller coasters

[edit] See also

These pages describe other types of templates: