Manitoba Highway 17

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Provincial Trunk Highway 17 (PTH 17) is a provincial highway in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It runs from an intersection with PR 325 near Hodgson to an intersection with PTH 9 near Gimli.

The majority of the route is paved, with a gravel section between PTH 8 and PTH 9. The speed limit is 100 km/h (60 mph).

The route can be very dangerous as thousands of snakes cross PTH 17 to get to/from the Narcisse Snake Pits. Once the snakes are run over, the road can become very slippery. To help counter this and conserve the snakes lives, a series of 'garter-snake fences' were built. Michael Chikousky and Andrew Gilson, who live by these snake fences have noticed a difference and are thankful that the fences were built to save snakes' lives.