Manis (disambiguation)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manis may refer to:
- Types of Animals
- Pangolin, a scaly anteater
- Ghost catshark, or Apristurus manis
- Individuals
- Manis, the orangutan star of Every Which Way But Loose
- Andrew M. Manis or J.T. Manis, authors
- Brian Manis or Bryan Manis, film producers
- Manis Friedman, dean of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies and host of Torah Forum
- Manis (Morris) Jacobs, first rabbi of Congregation Shangarai Chasset of New Orleans
- Manis Lamond, a striker for the Sydney United Football Club
- Chad Manis, a University of Utah quarterback
- Infrastructures
- MaNIS, the Mammal Networked Information System
- Entertainment and Literature
- Kenangan Manis Di-Kuala Lumpur, a song by Ismail Haron
- The Manis, a warring faction in Orcs:_First_Blood by Stan Nicholls
- Masam Masam Manis (Sourness and Sweetness), a 1965 Malaysian comedy film
- Nakhoda Manis, Malin Kundang, or Si Tanggang, a Southeast Asian folk tale
- Radio Kayu Manis a Jakarta, Indonesia Radio Station
- Fictional Characters
- Dirk Manis or Dirk Manus, a smuggler in the Transformers