Mangi Meli

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Mangi (Chief) Meli (or Mangi Meli Kiusa bin Rindi Makindara) was a leader of the Chaga in the 1890s. He was hanged by the German colonialists in early 20th century.[1] Meli was one of the heroes of the former Tanganyika colony, and stood firm in the fight against colonial encroachment around the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. Meli was hanged by German colonial soldiers in the open while his people watched, after which the German colonial administration ordered his decapitation. It is believed that Meli's head was taken to Germany and stored in a museum.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ihucha, Adam. "Moshi community wants Mangi Meli\’s skull returned", IPP Media. Retrieved on 2007-08-03.