Man of the Year Competition

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Man of the Year Competition is a competition in various tasks throughout a year that is used to determine who has led the best life throughout a year and who should, therefore, be crowned “Man of the Year”. It has gained grassroots popularity and has spawned other, similar competitions.

The rules and regulations of the competition are outlined in the “Manstitution” which details management, eligibility, scoring, and prizes. By and large, most competitors live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Scoring is broken out into three categories: Individual Competitions, Significant Achievements, and Greatness of Character. The overall winner of the competition receives a gold, tailored jacket with the Man of the Year crest on the left breast pocket.

Due to the notoriety generated from an article written by Bill Simmons, various forms of this competition are taking shape across the United States.


[edit] Scoring

[edit] Individual Competitions

Individual Achievements range from the retaking of the SATs to a parallel parking competition to a paint pall pistol gun duel. The list of competitions includes:

Bill Simmons Las Vegas Event - a weekend long competition that involves blackjack, craps, credit card roulette, and golf.
Retaking the SATs – each competitor takes the Scholastic Aptitude Test
Extreme Parallel Parking – contestants will parallel park a rental car, possibly a U-Haul truck. Contestants will be judged on speed, centeredness, and parallelness.
Paintball Pistol Duel

[edit] Significant Achievements

Significant Achievements present specific, optional objectives that competitors can complete in order to win additional points. Each achievement falls into one of three categories.

[edit] Greatness of Character

Towards the end of the year, the top scoring competitors shall be judged on their Greatness of Character, which is subjective and which will be the final determining factor in determining the Man of the Year.

[edit] Grassroots Campaign

Due to an article written by Bill Simmons of on April 1, 2008, various message boards discussions have included conversations about forming similar competitions.

[edit] Philanthropy

The Man of the Year Competition joined the fight against epilepsy in supporting the National Walk for Epilepsy, held on March 29, 2008. This support appears to a part of keeping the competition is good standing with the community.

[edit] External Links