Man Asian Literary Prize

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The Man Asian Literary Prize is an annual literary award for an "Asian novel unpublished in English", with the inaugural award to be presented in 2007. According to the official website, the objectives of the prize "are to bring exciting new Asian authors to the attention of the world literary community", "to facilitate publishing and translation of Asian literature in and into English" and "to highlight Asia's developing role in world literature". The prize aims to be explicitly Asian, rooted to the region and would be awarded only to writers originating and writing from Asia, rather than authors of Asian background writing from other regions.[1]

The prize was established by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival with the financial support of Man Group, title sponsor of the Man Booker Prize. Chinese writer Jiang Rong won the inaugural prize with his work, Wolf Totem.[2] He was selected from a short list of five:[3]

[edit] Long List

On 20 July 2007, the Administrative Committee of the Prize announced a list of 23 names:[4]

  • Tulsi Badrinath, The Living God
  • Sanjay Bahadur, The Sound Of Water
  • Kankana Basu, Cappuccino Dusk
  • Sanjiv Bhatla, InJustice
  • Shahbano Bilgrami, Without Dreams
  • Saikat Chakraborty, The Amnesiac
  • Jose Dalisay Jr., Soledad’s Sister
  • Reeti Gadekar, Families at Home
  • Xiaolu Guo, 20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth
  • Ameena Hussein, The Moon in the Water
  • Nu Nu Yi Inwa, Smile As They Bow
  • Jiang Rong, Wolf Totem
  • Hitomi Kanehara, Autofiction
  • N S Madhavan, Litanies of Dutch Battery
  • Laxmi Narayan Mishra, The Little God
  • Mo Yan, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
  • Nalini Rajan, The Pangolin’s Tale
  • Chiew-Siah Tei, Little Hut of Leaping Fishes
  • Shreekumar Varma, Maria’s Room
  • Anuradha Vijayakrishnan, Seeing The Girl
  • Sujatha Vijayaraghavan, Pichaikuppan
  • Xu Xi, Habit of a Foreign Sky
  • Egoyan Zheng, Fleeting Light

[edit] References

  1. ^ About the Prize. Man Asian Literary Prize. Retrieved on 2008-02-23.
  2. ^ 2007 Man Asian Literary Prize Winner Announced. Man Asian Literary Prize. Retrieved on 2008-02-23.
  3. ^ Five authors make the shortlist for inaugural prize. Man Asian Literary Prize. Retrieved on 2008-02-23.
  4. ^ 2007 Man Asian Literary Prize - Longlist Announced. Man Asian Literary Prize. Retrieved on 2008-02-23.

[edit] External links