Malt & Barley Editors

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Emblem of the Malt & Barley Editor Society
Emblem of the Malt & Barley Editor Society

The Malt & Barley Editors (MBEs) are an appointed secret society within the Wisconsin Law Review at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Officially, the Malt & Barley Editor position is a vital ceremonial position responsible for furthering the recreational interests of the Wisconsin Law Review membership, with responsibilities including fundraising and furthering the consumption of beer produced by small Wisconsin breweries. MBEs are not elected with the rest of the editorial staff; they are appointed by the preceding MBEs on a subsequent evening. Due to the unique nature of the position, MBEs constitute the only known ceremonial law review editorial position in the United States, thus ensuring the prestige of the position.


[edit] History

While the exact beginnings of the MBEs are not known, the society first appears on the Wisconsin Law Review Masthead (publishing) during the 1989-1990 school year. Evidence exists suggesting that the MBE position dates further back in the history of the Wisconsin Law Review, possibly known then as Beer Editors. However, the exact nature of the society in earlier incarnations is not known. Though MBE membership is no longer kept secret, the society does maintain secretive elements. The current membership can be found on the Wisconsin Law Review Masthead.

[edit] Membership

Many influential figures have been MBEs and the MBEs include partners and founders of major law firms, corporation or general counsels, board members of notable organizations, and other influential citizens of the United States. This is understandable because the skills necessary to be selected as an MBE are similar to those necessary to network effectively with the elite of society, make partner at a law firm, or rise to the top in any organization.

[edit] Mission

Article III of the Wisconsin Law Review Constitution provides specific responsibilities for the MBEs. The Constitution also protects the autonomy of the MBEs by reserving selection of future MBEs to the MBEs currently in power. It states as follows:

The Malt & Barley Editors are charged with the weighty responsibilities of ensuring that the Law Review Storage Facility is always stocked with an appropriate selection of Wisconsin beer, brewed by small Wisconsin breweries, and encouraging Editors and Members to consume beer. Malt & Barley Editors are not elected; they are appointed by the preceding Malt & Barley Editors.

On April 6, 2008, the membership of the Wisconsin Law Review approved a new constitution preserving the Malt & Barley Editor tradition. The new Article VIII states as follows:

Section 1. There shall be Malt & Barley Editors, the number of which shall be in accordance with the wishes of the outgoing Malt & Barley Editors and shall be greater than one but not greater than four.

Section 2. Malt & Barley Editors are not elected; they are appointed by the preceding Malt & Barley Editors.

Section 3. The duties of the Malt & Barley Editors shall be in keeping and in accordance with tradition and past practice handed down by the preceding Malt & Barley Editors.

During the 2007-08 school year, the mission of the MBEs was threatened by a direct challenge to the duty involving the Law Review Storage Facility. Resolution of this threat has not yet been resolved.

Essentially a "senior society" of the Wisconsin Law Review, MBE positions are limited to 3Ls. Each year in April, two to four 2L Wisconsin Law Review members are appointed by the MBEs, based on the 2L candidates' skills in areas such as bribery, slander, beer consumption, and the demonstrated ability to further the interests of MBEs past, present and future.

[edit] Asset Management & Financial Associations

Similar to Russell Trust Association's role for Skull and Bones, the Malt & Barley Editor Association, LLC is the business name for the MBE society.

[edit] Selection

The number of MBEs varies each year and is open to either gender. The selection process lasts several months and culminates with a selection night event analogous to "Tap" at Yale University. Not everyone selected as a candidate will be chosen. The exact process used by the incumbent MBEs to select quality candidates is kept secret by the MBEs. Reputedly, once chosen, members are assigned a nickname by the outgoing MBEs derived from the slander perpetrated against them by the other candidates during the selection process.

During the selection evening, among the other rites, an examination is administered. It is not so much important that a candidate score well on the exam but that the candidate has managed to steal or otherwise obtain the test or answers in advance. It is also highly desirable that a candidate have purchased the votes of a majority of the outgoing MBEs prior to the final selection evening.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links