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In demonology, Malphas is a mighty Great President (a Prince to some authors) of Hell, having forty legions of demons under his command. He builds houses, high towers and strongholds, throws down the buildings of the enemies, can destroy the enemies' desires or thoughts (and/or make them known to the conjurer) and all what they have done, gives good familiars, and can bring quickly artificers together from all places of the world.

Malphas accepts willingly and kindly any sacrifice offered to him, but then he will deceive the conjurer.

He is depicted as a crow that after a while or under request changes shape into a man, and speaks with a hoarse voice.

[edit] In modern culture

Several Castlevania games (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin) feature an enemy named Malphas, which varies between low-tier boss or high-tier common enemy, which looks like a black-robed humanoid with black wings, and can attack with crows and feathers. It is called Karasuman (Karasu meaning crow) in the English releases of Symphony of the Night.

In the Steve Jackson role-playing game In Nomine, Malphas is the Demon Prince of Factions, dedicated to causing division and strife among humanity. He is the main enemy of David, Archangel of Stone

In the game Savage 2- A Tourtured Soul, if a player collects enough souls, he can sacrifice himself to become a malphas.

Malphas serves as the primary antagonist of the strategy game, Trapt. In this depiction, he is shown as a demon who was sealed away inside of a forest mansion the main character stumbles into and uses the protagonist as a servant to offer souls to Malphas in order to restore his body.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources
