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Malesiada (today's name New Malesiada) was the name of a village in the province of Valtos and the prefecture of Aetoloacarnania, Greece. The village belongs to the municipality of Inachos. Through the new village passes the provincial road which leads from Agrinion and Amfilochia to Empesos and further more to Arta or Evrytania (through the Tatarna bridge over the artificial lake of Kremasta). The village has primary and secondary schools (Δημοτικό,Γυμνάσιο -Λύκειο), a small market and a promising pig-breeding unit for producing pork meat.
The village probably took its name from the historic family "Malesiadas" members of which (Stamoulis Malesiadas and his son Nicolaos) patricipated in the struggle for the independence of Greece (1821-1830).
[edit] Bibliography
1. Stamatelatos M. & Vamva F. - Γεωγραφικό λεξικό της Ελλάδας (Geographical dictionary of Greece)-τόμος 3 σελ.144 και τόμος 4 σελ.53 - Αθήνα 2006( έκδοση εφημερίδας "Το Βήμα")
2. Εγκυκλοπαίδεια "Δομή" - τόμος 21 -σελ. 81 -Εκδόσεις "Δομή" Τεγόπουλου Μανιατέα - Αθήνα 1996
3. Telonas Nikolaos - Oi promachoi tis patridos Valtinoi Agonistes tou '21 - Amfilochia 2004