
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greetings to all curious Wikians! (and any bemused Wiccans!)

makuabob is a worker in electronics, a long-time listener of classical music and a student of weird, ecclectic subjects. I read many things as a young lad: oodles of paperback Sci-Fi books, many science books (Farewell, Mr. Wizard, you are sorely missed!), and untold issues of MAD magazine (thus, brain-damaged).

In my wanderings, I have crossed the paths of Astronomy, Astrology, Marine Zoology (years of scuba diving and shell collecting), the Tarot (including that of Aleister Crowley), Palmistry, Folk Music (a la Peter, Paul & Mary and Leonard Cohen), and Wagnerian opera,... to name a few.

Any of my meddlings in Wikipedia articles is intended to improve, not degrade, their attempts to communicate information. \\ //_ (Vulcan salute)