Talk:Mak Dizdar

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Haven't mr. Dizdar considered himself a Croatian by nationality and Muslim by faith ?


PismaFan 23:13, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

His name is TURKİSH.... " Mehmet Ali Dizdar " Dizdar means in Turkish = Guardian of Castle —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:13, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

I don't know; but he comes from an Islamized Montenegrin (or Serb) family. --PaxEquilibrium 18:55, 11 March 2007 (UTC)
Wrong. Man you are really obsessed with Bosniaks. Dizdar is my cousin. He has nothing with Serbs or Croats. So don't push speculations. Maybe Adam and Eve were Serbs also? Emir Arven 13:24, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
Look, Dizdars come from a Montenegrin clan and they all eventually converted to Islam (and populated Bosnia by great part). That's all what I wanted to expose. Your overreactions are not civil at all. --PaxEquilibrium 14:17, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
I just said it was crap, because I know my family, my cousins, and history of mine. There are so many Dizdars in Bosnia and Balkans, because it was very common title which became a surname at the end of 19th century. I can just advise you, that your obsession with genetics of Bosniaks is really, and I mean that, is really ridiculous thing. That is why I asked you about Adam and Eve. Emir Arven 14:56, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

How come that he ended as Croatian poet during times of Yugoslavia?
Here, read [1] Ferid Karihman's text (Hrvatsko-bošnjačke teme, HSN Zagreb 1996) about Dizdar
("...Njegovi ga neprijatelji nijesu mogli ni preskočiti ni zaobići jer on je bio tu, čvrst i solidan kao stećak, ali su nastojali zatajiti njegovo hrvatstvo, kao što nastoje zatajiti hrvatstvo stećaka. Zato je Mak skupljao tekstove brojnih kamenih natpisa, epigrafa, povelja darovnica i pisama iz povijesti svoje Herceg-Bosne i našao je i dokazao u njima da se medu svim onim Vukcima i Stipanima, Radinima i Dragošima nalaze i svi oni Hrve, Hrvoji, Hrvatini i Hrvatinići. Nigdje ni traga Srbima, Srbojima, Srbljenima ili Srbljenovićima...Mak je tako poviješću utvrdio temelje svog osvjedočenja o svom hrvatskom koljenu i jeziku i o hrvatstvu stare Bosne..."). Does this help? Kubura 07:39, 4 May 2007 (UTC)

"... His enemies couldn't "jump over" him neither bypass him, because he was there, solid as stećak, but they tried to deny his Croathood, just as they tried to deny the Croathood of stećaks. That's why Mak collected the texts carved in stone, epighaphs, charters, letters from the history of his Herceg-Bosnia and he found and prooved that among all thos Vukacs and Stipans, Radins and Dragošs there are all thos Hrvos, Hrvojs, Hrvatins and Hrvatinićs. Not a trace of Srbs, Srbojs, Srbljens or Srbljenovićs... That's how Mak has, with history confirmed the ground of Croat roots and language and Croathood of old Bosnia...". Kubura 07:47, 4 May 2007 (UTC)