Makomanai River

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Makomanai River
Makomanai River

Makomanai River (真駒内川) is a branch of Toyohira River in Sapporo, Hokkaidō prefecture, Japan. It has 21 km length and covers drainage area of 37km².

Beginning from the Marsh Bankei (万計沼) in mountains, its upper course was called as Bankei River (万計沢), too. It makes a narrow valley of about 200 meters width from the middle course, Tokiwa (常盤) area. Runnig to north, it merged to Toyohira River at Makomanai (真駒内) area. Then Toyohira River flows through the Sapporo city's center. It is said Makomanai means 'rear river' in Ainu language. [1]

The development of Makomanai was undertaken in 1870s with a pioneer stock farm by an O-yatoi gaikokujin, Edwin Dun.[2] The valley of Tokiwa had less developed long time. Flood control projects started in the later half of 20th century then the river route changed to a straight line in 1960s.[3] Now residential zone expands by the north half of Tokiwa along with the National Route 453, And houses fills tops of the hills around Makomanai. Makomanai Park occupys the meeting poing with the Toyohira. Seemas come and lay egges in the park every year.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kawa no Fuukei, p146, p247-248.
  2. ^ Oyatoi Gaikokujin, p72-73.
  3. ^ Makomanai-Gawa ni okeru Chisui Jigyō.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Sapporo-shi Kyōiku Iinkai (Educational Committee of Sapporo City) edited Oyatoi Gaikokujin, Hokkiadō Shinbunsha, Sapporo, 1981. 札幌市教育委員会編『お雇い外国人』、さっぽろ文庫第19巻、北海道新聞社、1981年。
  • Sapporo-shi Kyōiku Iinkai (Educational Committee of Sapporo City) edited Kawa no Fuukei (Landscapes of rivers), Hokkiadō Shinbunsha, Sapporo, 1988. 札幌市教育委員会編『川の風景』、さっぽろ文庫第44巻、北海道新聞社、1988年。
  • OKADA Asuka, 'Makomanai-Gawa ni okeru Chisui Jigyō' (Flood Control Projects in Makomanai River), 1999 or 2000. 岡田明日香「真駒内川における治水事業」、1999年か2000年。