Major —— de Coverley

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Major —— de Coverley is a minor fictional character in the classic novel Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. His name appears to be based on an old national personification of England, Roger de Coverly (sometimes referred to as ...Coverly)


[edit] Character introduction

Major —— de Coverley has a terrifying visage in the old Biblical tradition, so much so that men will do his desires without him even saying a word.

[edit] Explanation of the character's name

Major —— de Coverley's first name is not given in the novel, heightening the fact that nobody has the courage to ask him what it is.

[edit] Biographical summary

[edit] Actions in Catch-22

[edit] Mysterious Liberator

The exact nature of the Major’s duties within the bomber group is uncertain. He is Major Major Major Major's executive officer, but Major Major Major Major himself is uncertain whether in Major —— de Coverley he is "blessed with an inattentive superior or cursed with a lazy subordinate." At the squadron base in Pianosa, his only official duties are pitching horseshoes, renting two-room apartments for the soldiers on rest leave, and kidnapping Italian laborers.

Major —— de Coverley is regularly spotted leading the allied forces during the liberation of several major cities. His presence has been noted by both sides, who are similarly unable to identify him, and presume him to be an alarming military strategist. There is a whole group of American press officers on hand ready to publicise this ‘’war hero’’ if they find out who he is. This is exactly the kind of publicity that Colonel Cathcart is trying to manufacture to help get himself promoted, but ironically he never discovers this golden opportunity right in front of him.

What both sides do not realise is that Major —— de Coverley's objective in these liberated cities is to secure plush residences for both the officers and enlisted men in the group, so that they might have the best quarters for use while on leave. During the liberation of Rome the Old Man in Rome, annoyed at Major —— de Coverley’s pomp, threw a flower into the Major's eye, a story which he later delights in telling Nately. Major —— de Coverley did not want to impair his vision (and thereby his endless games of horseshoes), so he had Doc Daneeka make him an eye patch from transparent celluloid, taken from Major Major's window. Major —— de Coverley goes missing after learning of the liberation of Bologna, which was actually yet to be liberated, as it was Yossarian who had moved the ‘’bomb line’’ on the mission map to try to avoid the mission. Under the impression that along with Bologna, Florence must also have been liberated, he flies off to rent apartments for the officers and enlisted men to use as vacation accommodation, and is never heard from again.

[edit] Respect of the Troops

Whenever a city is liberated, Major —— de Coverley requisitions a plane and crew to fly immediately to that city, and once there ensures that he is in a prominent position, standing proud, at the front of the motorcade. His will alone is enough to accomplish this, without saying a word. Further respect is shown by the troops when he brings about the end to Captain Black's Great Loyalty Oath Crusade by simply walking into the mess hall, disregarding the loyalty oaths, and demanding, "Gimme eat," and then, "Give everybody eat."

Major —— De Coverley seems to have power over everyone in the novel, and no one ever defies him, however no one seems to know who he is, either. The only person in the novel to engage Major —— de Coverley in direct conversation is Milo Minderbinder, who convinces Major —— de Coverley to support his syndicate by exposing the Major's weakness for eggs fried in fresh butter. It is Major —— de Coverley who appoints Milo to Mess Officer, from which position his syndicate starts to take over the world.

[edit] Sources, references, external links, quotations

Catch-22 quotes from Wikiquote