Main Distribution Area

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The Main Distribution Area includes the main cross-connect (MC), which is the central point of

distribution for the data center structured cabling system and may include [[horizontal cross- connect]] (HC) when equipment areas are served directly from the main distribution area. This space is inside the computer room; it may be located in a dedicated room in a multi-tenant data center for security. Every data center shall have at least one main distribution area. The computer room core routers, core LAN switches, core SAN switches, and PBX are often located in the main distribution area, because this space is the hub of the cabling infrastructure for the data center. Access provider provisioning equipment (for example the M13 multiplexers) is often located in the main distribution area rather than in the entrance room to avoid the need for a second entrance room due to circuit length restrictions. The main distribution area may serve one or more horizontal distribution areas or equipment distribution areas within the data center and one or more telecommunications rooms located outside the computer room space to support office spaces, operations center and other external support rooms
