User:Magnus Manske/fixdisambig.js
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addOnloadHook ( init_fixdisambig ) ; fixdisambig_server = "" ; fixdisambig_real_target = "" ; function fixdisambig_get_selection () { if (window.getSelection) return window.getSelection(); else if (document.getSelection) return document.getSelection(); else if (document.selection) return document.selection.createRange().text; return "" ; } function fixdisambig_get_query(name) { var value=null; var; if(query != "") { var kk=query.indexOf(name+"="); if(kk >= 0) { kk=kk+name.length+1; var ll=query.indexOf("&", kk); if(ll < 0)ll=query.length; value=query.substring(kk, ll); for(kk=0; kk<value.length; kk++) { if(value.charAt(kk) == '+') { value=value.substring(0, kk)+" "+value.substring(kk+1,value.length); } } value=unescape(value); } } return value; } function fixdisambig_get_referrer_for_disambig () { var catlinks = document.getElementById ( "catlinks" ) ; if ( !catlinks ) return "" ; var as = catlinks.getElementsByTagName ( "a" ) ; var is_disambig = 0 ; for ( var ai = 0 ; ai < as.length ; ai++ ) { var a = as[ai] ; var h = a.getAttribute('href').split('/Category:').pop() ; h = h.split('_').join(' ') ; if ( h != "Disambiguation" && h != "Lists of ambiguous numbers" && h != "Lists of ambiguous human names" ) continue ; is_disambig = 1 ; break ; } if ( !is_disambig ) return "" ; fixdisambig_real_target = wgPageName ; var sitesub = document.getElementById('contentSub') ; if ( sitesub ) { var a = sitesub.getElementsByTagName('a') ; if ( a.length > 0 ) { a = a[0] ; fixdisambig_real_target = a.getAttribute ( 'title' ) ; } } var r = document.referrer ; if ( r.substr ( 0 , 29 ) == "" ) { fixdisambig_server = r.substr ( 0 , 29 ) ; r = r.substr ( 29 ) ; } else if ( r.substr ( 0 , 47 ) == "" ) { fixdisambig_server = r.substr ( 0 , 47 ) ; r = r.substr ( 47 ) ; } else r = "" ; return r ; } function fix_disambig_replace ( rtext , rwhat , rwith , rend ) { return rtext.split ( rwhat + rend ) . join ( rwith + rend ) ; } function lcfirst ( s ) { return s.substr(0,1).toLowerCase() + s.substr(1) ; } function do_fix_disambig ( fd , rwith ) { rwith = "[[" + rwith ; rwith = rwith.split("_").join(" ") ; fd = "[[" + fd ; var fd2 = fd.split("_").join(" ") ; document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true ; document.editform.wpSummary.value = "Replacing disambiguation link to " + fd2 + "]] with direct link to " + rwith + "]] (using [[User:Magnus Manske/fixdisambig.js|FixDisambig.js]])" ; var text = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd , rwith , "|" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd , rwith+"|" , "]]" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd2 , rwith , "|" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd2 , rwith+"|" , "]]" ) ; fd = "[[" + lcfirst ( fd.substr(2) ) ; fd2 = "[[" + lcfirst ( fd2.substr(2) ) ; rwith = "[[" + lcfirst ( rwith.substr(2) ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd , rwith , "|" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd , rwith+"|" , "]]" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd2 , rwith , "|" ) ; text = fix_disambig_replace ( text , fd2 , rwith+"|" , "]]" ) ; document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = text ; document.getElementById("wpDiff").click() ; // Run diff } function init_fixdisambig () { var fd = fixdisambig_get_query ( "fix_disambig" ) ; var rwith = fixdisambig_get_query ( "fix_disambig_with" ) ; if ( fd && rwith && fd != "" && rwith != "" ) { do_fix_disambig ( fd , rwith ) ; return ; } var r = fixdisambig_get_referrer_for_disambig () ; if ( r == "" ) return ; var out = '<li id="t-permalink">' ; out += "<a href='javascript:run_fix_disambig();'>Fix disambig</a>" ; out += "</li>" ; var tools = document.getElementById("p-tb") ; tools = tools.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0] ; tools.innerHTML += out ; // Yeah, I know... } function run_fix_disambig () { var sel = fixdisambig_get_selection () ; if ( sel == "" ) { var r2 = wgPageName.split("_").join(" ") + " ()" ; sel = prompt ( "Please enter the new target (you could have skipped this by selecting the new title in the page text):" , r2 ) ; if ( !sel || sel == "" || sel == r2 ) return ; } var r = fixdisambig_get_referrer_for_disambig () ; document.location = fixdisambig_server + r + "?action=edit&fix_disambig=" + escape ( fixdisambig_real_target ) + "&fix_disambig_with=" + escape ( sel ) ; }