Magic of Incarnum

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Magic of Incarnum is a supplemental book for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It was first printed in 2005 to be applied to 3.5 D&D rules. It introduces new classes (Incarnate, Soulborn, and Totemist) and new races (Azurin, Duskling, Rilkan, and Skarn), along with new feats, rules, and spells, for both classes within the book and classes from other books.

Magic of Incarnum describes Incarnum, which, in its pure form, looks like a "radiant mist, deep blue in color." With the supplemental rules provided within, characters can use incarnum to create Soulmelds using Essentia. The Soulmelds function like magically-sustained items that are applied to different parts of the body, and Essentia is invested into said Soulmelds to make them more effective. In addition to investing Essentia, characters can bind Soulmelds to different Chakras, which further fuses Soulmelds to their corresponding body parts, providing characters with bonus effects.

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