Mércédès Jellinek

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Adriana Manuela Ramona Jellinek called Mércédès
Adriana Manuela Ramona Jellinek called Mércédès

Adriana Manuela Ramona Jellinek called Mércédès was the daughter of Austrian automobile entrepreneur Emil Jellinek and his wife Rachel Goggmann Cenrobert. She was born on September 16, 1889 and named Mercedes. She is best known for her father having Daimler's Mercedes line of cars named after her, beginning with the Mercedes 35 hp model of 1901. Also, at the 1902 Paris Automobile exhibition, her father hung a large picture of her. Mercedes lived in Vienna, and was notorious for marrying twice scandalously. She played music and had a good soprano voice, but never shared her father's passion for automobiles. She died at the age of 39 in 1929 from tuberculosis.