
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Sundrie Thoughtes on the Wickye-Pædia,
Beinge a compendium of uſefull knowlege and Morall Inſtruction,
—  eſtabliſhed & maintayned thro. the  —
Induſtrie & kindnesse of Learned Perſons dwellinge in remote Lands

Hello, I have been using Wikipedia since 2003 and have decided to contribute to the cause by helping write articles and such, since I can't offer montary support.

Let me get something off my chest, lately I have noticed a trend in deletion reviews to cite low Alexa ranking as a reason for deleting a page. My case against Alexa is that it is a biased source. It only works on Microsoft Windows with Internet Explorer which neglects about 10-20% of regular internet traffic, it also has a bias towards sites of Korean orgin. For more on this post a message on my talk page.
My interests

I really love the artwork by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.


An interesting article about Wikipedia

My Userboxes: User:Lzygenius/Userbox.