Lydia (Greyhawk)

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Greyhawk Deity
Title(s) The Mother of Truth, the Pure Song
Home Plane Elysium
Power Level Lesser
Alignment Neutral Good
Portfolio Music, Knowledge, Daylight
Domains Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel
Alias(es) none
Superior none

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Lydia is the Suel goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylight. Her holy symbol is a spray of colors from an open hand.


[edit] Description

Lydia is depicted as a dynamic, white-haired woman with clear blue eyes.

[edit] Relationships

Lydia interacts with many other deities, exchanging songs and information. She opposes Pholtus, feeling that others must see the light of truth without being blinded by it.

[edit] Clergy

Most of Lydia's clerics are female. They use education to uplift women from lesser stations in life. This tends to make her church unpopular with patriarchies.

[edit] References