Luma apiculata

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Chilean Myrtle
Luma apiculata forest, in Los Arrayanes National Park, Argentina
Luma apiculata forest, in Los Arrayanes National Park, Argentina
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Luma
Species: L. apiculata
Binomial name
Luma apiculata
(DC.) Burret

Luma apiculata, (Chilean Myrtle) is a species of tree in the genus Luma in the family Myrtaceae, native to the central Andes mountains between Chile and Argentina between 33 and 45º South Latitude. Synonyms include Myrtus luma Mol., Eugenia apiculata DC., Myrceugenia apiculata (DC.) Niedenzu, and Myrceugenella apiculata (DC.) Kausel. Common names include Arrayán (from a Spanish name for the related European myrtle), Kelümamüll (orange-wood) (the Mapuche Native American name), Chilean Myrtle, Palo Colorado and Temu.

The Chilean Myrtle grows slowy, forming a small tree of around 10-15 m, rarely 20 m. Its trunk appears twisted and contorted and has smooth bark, coloured grey to bright orange-brown, which peels as the tree grows. It is evergreen, with small fragrant oval leaves 2-2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm broad, and profuse white flowers in early to mid summer. Its fruit is an edible black or blue berry 1 cm in diameter, ripe in early autumn.

Chilean Myrtles grow along water currents in the Valdivian temperate rain forests in Chile, while in Argentine it grows from Neuquén south to the Chubut River. The main forests are on the Quetrihué Peninsula (Mapuche for 'myrtles') and on Isla Victoria on the Nahuel Huapi Lake, within the Los Arrayanes National Park and Nahuel Huapí National Park respectively. They can be also found in lesser number along the Arrayanes River in Los Alerces National Park. Trees in these protected areas are up to 650 years old. The notable Chilean myrtle forest of the Los Arrayanes National Park covers 20 hectares of the Quetrihué Peninsula, where the cinnamon coloured Chilean myrtles leave almost no space to other trees.

[edit] Cultivation and uses

Its fruit is very appreciated in Chile and its flowers are very important for honey production. The Chilean myrtle has medicinal uses for the Mapuche people. It is also grown in gardens and as bonsai as a decorative plant for its glossy evergreen foliage, in beautiful contrast to the slender red stems. It has become naturalised in parts of Ireland and western Great Britain and it has been introduced in Spain.

[edit] External links

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