
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Description

Hi! If you got here... it means you really have nothing to do! Congratulations!! :D Anyway, Luca is currently a student of the University of Padua attending the fifth year of Computer Engineering. My main interests are mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, algorithmics and sports.

[edit] Contributes to wikipedia

[edit] Added items (English wiki)

  1. Karger's algorithm

[edit] Edited items (English wiki)

  1. Ximian
  2. Package management system
  3. Alexia (Italian)
  4. Binary Synchronous Transmission
  5. Böhm-Jacopini theorem
  6. Flow control
  7. Nagle's algorithm
  8. Congestion control
  9. Prolog
  10. Intelligent agent
  11. Bisection method
  12. Stop-and-wait ARQ
  13. LU decomposition

[edit] Added items (Italian wiki)

  1. Algoritmo di Nagle
  2. Codifica 4B/5B
  3. Controllo della congestione
  4. Controllo di flusso
  5. Open shortest path first
  6. Sistema di gestione dei pacchetti
  7. Sistema gestione pacchetti
  8. Ximian
  9. Multipath fading
  10. Teorema di Sturm
  11. Metodo di Galerkin
  12. Teorema di Myhill-Nerode
  13. Costruzione dei sottoinsiemi

[edit] Edited items (Italian wiki)

  1. Finestra scorrevole
  2. Gentoo
  3. Nvu
  4. Risposta in frequenza
  5. Decomposizione di Cholesky
  6. Metodo del gradiente coniugato
  7. Metodo degli elementi finiti
  8. Decomposizione LU
  9. Formulazione debole
  10. Trasformata di Hough
  11. Automa a stati finiti deterministico
  12. Automa a stati finiti non deterministico