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Actually, in Romanian, Lucire is not quite "to reflect". Here's the dictionary definition:

(lucire is the long infinitive form of "a luci")
LUCÍ, lucesc, vb. IV. Intranz. 1. A răspândi lumină; a străluci, a lumina. 2. A sclipi din cauza luminii; a scânteia. ♦ (Despre ochi) A avea o strălucire deosebită, exprimând o emoţie, o dorinţă etc. 3. Fig. (Despre idei, sentimente) A apărea în mod brusc sau pentru scurt timp. ♦ A se remarca prin calităţi deosebite. – Lat. *lucire (= lucere).

An attempt of translation:

  1. to propagate light, to glitter, to shine
  2. to coruscate
  3. (about the eyes) to have a spark, expressing an emotion, a wish.
  4. (about ideas, sentiments) to appear abruptly or for a short time
  5. (about a person) to have some remarkable abilities

Bogdan | Talk 22:45, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Thanks, Bogdan. I got my info from someone working at the magazine, but AFAIK they are not Romanian. I'll pass on the definition. Stombs 11:30, Mar 14, 2005 (UTC)