Lucrezia Noin

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Lucrezia Noin
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing character

Lucrezia Noin, as she appeared in Gundam Wing.
Voiced by Chisa Yokoyama (JPN)
Saffron Henderson (ENG)
Aliases Preventer Fire [EW]
Age 19 [GW] 20 [EW]
Date of birth AC 176
Allegiance OZ, Sanc Kingdom [GW]
Preventers [EW]
Rank 2nd Lieutenant (OZ)
Lieutenant Colonel (OZ)
Captain (Sanc Kingdom)
Mobile weapons OZ-07AMS Aries
OZ-09MMS Pisces
OZ-12SMS Taurus

Lucrezia Noin (ルクレツィア・ノイン Rukuretsia Noin?, taken from German neun, lit. "nine") is a fictional character from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. She is voiced by Chisa Yokoyama (JPN) and Saffron Henderson (ENG).

In the show, Noin is a courageous OZ military instructor, teaching at the esteemed Lake Victoria Military Academy. Following the return of her estranged friend, Zechs Merquise, Noin finds herself at his side, assisting him in his personal quest. With the rebirth of the lost Sanc Kingdom, Noin decides to leave Oz to take on the responsibility of being the personal bodyguard of the nation's matriarch, Relena Peacecraft. Always loyal to Zechs, Noin fights to the very end, to protect what she loves. Noin becomes good friends with the Gundam pilots and supports them any way she can.


[edit] Character

Lucrezia Noin is a very brave, devoted character. While she is willing to fight to the death for her country, she is most devoted to the man she loves, Zechs Merquise. Her relationship with the hero is somewhat public knowledge, as it is heard from the students of the Lake Victoria Military Academy that she and Zechs were the two highest scoring students ever, with Zechs being first. Zechs has always replied to this by saying that it is only because she underperformed to allow him to be the best. In Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, she is serving with the Preventers, a group of Earth Sphere United Nation peacekeepers. At the end of the OVA, she is seen in a spacecraft with Zechs, heading off to Mars in order to begin work on the terraforming project which is being spear-headed by his sister Relena.

[edit] Gundam Wing: Episode Zero

Lucrezia Noin has also made a minor appearance in the prequel manga, Gundam Wing: Episode Zero. In the Heero Yuy story, in the year After Colony 188, Noin was a young 12 year old cadet serving under her instructor Treize Khushrenada in Colony X-18999 as a communication officer. Although Treize first addressed her as Lucrezia, she pointed out to him to address her as Noin as there was no gender among soldiers on the battlefield. During Quinze's rebellion against the soldiers in the colony, a younger Heero Yuy tried to destroy the command center and Treize moved his OZ-06MS Leo in the way to save the lives of Noin and the other soldiers.

[edit] Mobile Suits

During the series Noin piloted two different mobile suits. First she piloted her own green colored version of the OZ-07AMS Aries model during her time with OZ. After she moved to the Sanc Kingdom, Noin took some OZ-12SMS Taurus mobile suits with her and modified them for land combat, for the sole purpose of forming a small defense force to protect the Sanc Kingdom. Noin would pilot one of these new Taurus suits not only for the remainder of the war, but also during the Mariemaia army uprising as well. Noin also briefly piloted a OZ-09MMS Pisces when she worked with Sally Po in recovering the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam.

[edit] External links
