Lucifer (magazine)

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This article is about the Theosophical publication. For the anarchist journal, see Lucifer the Lightbearer

Lucifer was a journal published by Helena Blavatsky. The first edition was issued in September 1887 in London.

[edit] History

The journal was first published by Blavatsky. From 1889 until Blavatsky's death in May 1891 Annie Besant was a co-editor. Besant then published the journal until September 1895, when George Robert Stowe Mead became a co-editor. The journal appeared two times a year and was 500 to 600 pages long. The last of twenty editions was published in August 1897. More than 2800 articles were published in this journal between 1887 and 1897. Then the journal was renamed to The Theosophical Review.

The journal published articles on philosophical, theosophical, scientific and religious topics. There were also book reviews (e.g. of Nietzsche's Also sprach Zarathustra).

[edit] External links


Founders of the T. S.

Helena Blavatsky
William Quan Judge
Henry Steel Olcott


Alice Bailey · Annie Besant
Geoffrey Hodson · C.W. Leadbeater
Alfred Percy Sinnett · Rudolf Steiner
Abner Doubleday


Theosophical mysticism
Seven Rays


Theosophical Society
TS Adyar · TS Pasadena · ULT

Theosophical texts

Isis Unveiled
The Key to Theosophy
Mahatma Letters
The Secret Doctrine
The Voice of the Silence

Theosophical Masters

Sanat Kumara
Djwal Khul
Paul the Venetian
Serapis Bey
Master Hilarion
Master Jesus
Master Rakoczi

Related topics

Agni Yoga · Anthroposophy ·
Esotericism · Neo-Theosophy
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Ascended Master Teachings
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