
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello...I am mostly working on articles from Eastern Europe/Baltic States in order to help improve the English. I travel regularly in the Baltic States, have a diploma in Polish language from the Studium Języka Polskiego (University of Łódź, 2003) and am trying to learn Russian and Lithuanian in my spare time. I work in British politics as a freelance researcher (attached to the Conservative Party) and assist several MPs in grassroots research and analysis. I am going out with a Russian guy (who is teaching me the Russian...we are both trying the Lithuanian ourselves), Mikhail, and we hope to get married in the near future.

This user is female.
28 This user is 28 years old.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
pl-3 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie zaawansowanym.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
cs-1 Tento uživatel má základní znalosti češtiny.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
lt-1 Šis vartotojas gali prisidėti prie projekto pradedančio lygio Lietuvių kalba.
de-0 Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse.
Search user languages
This user is proud to be British.
LSE This user attends or attended the London School of Economics.
GS This user went to a
grammar school.
SS This user went to a single sex secondary school.

This user's favorite subject is Political Science.
BSc This user has a Bachelor of Science degree in Government.
2:1 This user has a Upper second class honours degree.
This user is proud to be Celtic.
This user is proud to be English.
This user is of Irish and British ancestry.
This user is proud to be
Northern Irish
This user lives in Reading.
CF This user is childfree
This user is heterosexual.
LH ← This user is a southpaw.
This user supports the English English language.
UK This user uses British English.
This user supports Parliamentary democracy as opposed to Presidential dictatorships.
con This user is interested in conservative issues.
This user identifies as a Rightist.
This user supports the policies and views of Michael Howard.
This user opposes the policies and views of David Cameron.
This user is skeptical of anthropogenic global warming.
This user believes that hippies, celebrities, and politicians are NOT experts on climate change.
This user is against involuntary military service.

This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*
This user is pro-Poland
Con This user
supports the
Conservative Party
Image:Clintonsmall.jpg This user supports Hillary Rodham Clinton for President in 2008.
This user loves to read.
This user enjoys reading non-fiction.
This user enjoys the works of
Jane Austen
This user enjoys the works of
Rudyard Kipling.
CSL This user enjoys the works of C.S. Lewis.
This user adores the works of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
This user is Waiting for Godot, who will surely be arriving on June 11.
Quoth this user, "Nevermore"
Narnia This user loves the The Chronicles of Narnia.
HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.
O.W.L This user passed their O.W.Ls.
G This user is a Gryffindor.
This user is an Animagus, and takes the form of a crow.
This user's Patronus is a Snowy Owl.
This user is a Sudoku addict.
This user enjoys playing Magic: The Gathering
This user is a history buff.
This user is interested in World War II
This user has an active interest in Social History
This user is a Symbolist.
This user once wanted to be like Joan of Arc but then read how the story ended.
This user is interested in the History of Poland
This user is interested in Central European history.
This user is interested in philately.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is interested in geopolitics.
This user is interested in psionics.
This user takes public transport
This user's species is a Crow. Bird
This user was a Girl Guide in her youth

SI This user prefers the metric system of measurement.
This user enjoys comics.
Webcomics This user reads webcomics.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
News This user reads broadsheet newspapers.
Er... This user is (cont. page 94)
1828 This user reads The Spectator
BBC This user watches BBC News.
This user is a viewer of NTV Russia.
This user misses Pluto. May its planethood rest in peace.
This user prefers cold weather.
This user has been tested and is a Certified Nerd
This user is interested in Linguistics.
This user has brown eyes.