Low threshold spikes

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Low-threshold spikes (LTS) refere to action potentials generated from a membrane potential negative to that for sodium spike threshold (firing level). These LTS's were originally observed in inferior olive neurons (Llinas and Yarom 1981) and then in thalamic neurons (Llinas and Janhsen 1982). They are supported by calcium currents following the activation of T-type calcium channel.

[edit] References

  • Llinas, R. and Yarom, Y. (1981) "Properties and distribution of ionic conductances generating electroresponsiveness of mammalian inferior olivary neurones in vitro". J. Physiol. (London) 315: 569-584.
  • Llinas, R. and Janhsen, H. (1982) " Electrophysiology of mammalian thalamic neurons in vitro". Nature 297: 406-408, 1982.