Talk:Love triangle

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[edit] Examples - need editing ?

I'm guessing the Homer/Marge/Moe thing is only one episode of the Simpsons? While I certainly don't object to using TV plotlines as examples, especially something as culturally relevant as the Simpsons, examples should probably be based on more than a single episode. Maybe Robin Hood/Maid Marian/Nottingham would be more appropriate to show this kind of hatred-based love triangle? Also, trying to keep a comprehensive list of love triangles is not the way we should go - that would not add any additional information, and would soon make this one of the longest articles in Wikipedia. Do we even need or want an additional examples section? PaulSSC 20:19, 26 August 2005 (UTC)

Four examples from Yu-Gi-Oh! alone tell me that people are already using this page to post up links to their pet favorite works of fiction. Nipping this in the bud now would be a good idea. Perhaps we could pare the list down so that each type of love triangle has one or two examples. For example, "two enemies vying for the same person" is one type, as is "two friends vying for the same person". I'm sure there's better terminology to use, but you get the idea. We could no doubt come up with others. —BrianSmithson 18:16, 9 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] On merging

I've noticed that there's been a request to merge the love rectangle article with this one. I think this merge would be justified because the term "love triangle" is much more common than "love rectangle," and that the latter term is basically a variant of the former; we could put it under a Variations section in this article, especially since the love rectangle article is so short. What do you think? Breed Zona 22:30, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Well, I've done the merge. What does anybody else think about this (not that many people will even be interested...)? Breed Zona 06:16, 17 November 2006 (UTC)

Support both merge of article and move to wiktionary.CholgatalK! 06:13, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] About the Additional Examples section

It appears that the Examples section has gotten way out of hand. I'm seriously considering just deleting the whole mess and adding prominent examples here and there in the article. We do not need that many examples of a love triangle, I believe. Feel free to argue with me about this if you believe I'm wrong. I'll be happy to listen. Breed Zona 01:10, 30 January 2007 (UTC)

Done the delete. Breed Zona 01:20, 30 January 2007 (UTC)