Louis Friedman

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Planetary Society founders: Louis Friedman standing right
Planetary Society founders: Louis Friedman standing right

Louis Friedman is an American astronautics engineer and space spokesperson. He was born in New York and raised in the Bronx. Dr. Friedman was a co-founder of The Planetary Society with Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray.


[edit] Education and Career

In 1961 he earned his Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Engineering Physics from University of Wisconsin. In 1963 he graduated from Cornell University with a Masters of Science in Engineering Mechanics. In 1971 he graduated with a Ph.D. from the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department of MIT with his thesis on “Extracting Scientific Information from Spacecraft Tracking Data.”[1]

He worked for AVCO Space Systems Division from 1963-1968. From 1970 through 1980 he was with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) leading the Advanced Planetary Studies and the post-Viking Mars Program.[2] Other projects at the JPL include Mariner-Venus-Mercury, Planetary Grand Tour (Voyager), Venus Orbital Imaging Radar (Magellan probe), Halley's Comet Rendezvous-Solar Sail, and the Mars Program.[3]

[edit] Projects, Print, and Speeches

[edit] Associations

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Planetary Society
  2. ^ The Space Show
  3. ^ The Planetary Society
  4. ^ The Space Show