Louie's Texas Red Hots

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Louie's Texas Red Hots is a six restaurant chain located around Buffalo, NY. The original location was founded in 1967 by Louie Galanes. The restaurant serves a wide variety of food, and is open 24 hours. The restaurant's tagline is "We don't serve fast food... we serve GOOD FOOD, FAST!"


[edit] Menu

A typical Louie's meal consisting of two Red Hots, french fries, and a Pepsi
A typical Louie's meal consisting of two Red Hots, french fries, and a Pepsi

Louie's menu features many simple dishes. Popular items include the namesake Texas Red Hots, a traditional Buffalo indulgence, and according to the menu, "one of Buffalo's oldest fast foods." To make this item, a standard Sahlen's brand hot dog is slathered with a thick, chili-like beef sauce called "Red Hot sauce," but more commonly referred to as "slime." In addition to this sauce, the hot dog is topped with mustard and onions. A hot dog in this configuration is usually ordered using the terms "up," "with everything" (which, ironically, does not include every available topping offered), or simply "Red Hot." Other items include sandwiches, burgers, chili, large omelettes which can also be ordered with the Red Hot sauce, and a variety of breakfast items. Other dishes, such as the beef and chicken souvlaki and gyros, represent the Greek heritage of chain founder Galanes. ([1], PDF)

[edit] Relations with community

Owner Galanes has had the following personal appeal placed on signs at all his locations, on his website, and in his menus: "Please support your locally owned businesses. We live here, and pay our taxes here. Your money is not sent to a corporation out of state. Thank you for your patronage!"

At least one Louie's restaurant, the Southwestern Blvd. location in Orchard Park, NY, features a "Salute to Military Members" board where pictures of both veterans and active military members who are patrons of Louie's can post their pictures.

Louie's offers free coffee to police officers, largely ensuring that late at night there is usually at least one officer taking a break in the restaurant.

[edit] Decor

Louie's restaurants feature a great deal of local sports memorabilia. Various posters and paintings of the local Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills hang above the booths. The aforementioned Orchard Park location features a large Sabres logo with a bright red glowing eye.

[edit] Trivia

A Louie's has been the location of at least one homicide, the August 1991 slaying of seventeen-year-old Torriano Jackson. [2]

[edit] External links