Lotta Hitschmanova

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Lotta Hitschmanova

Born Lotte Hitschmann
November 28, 1909
Prague, Czechoslovakia
Died September 1, 1990
Known for Humanitarian aid
Religious beliefs Unitarian

Lotta Hitschmanova, CC (November 28, 1909 - September 1, 1990) was a Canadian humanitarian. In 1945, she helped to found USC Canada as the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada. USC Canada is an international development organization that started as a small group of aid workers sending supplies to war-torn Europe for relief and reconstruction.

Attired in an army nurse's uniform and military-style hat, she travelled yearly to strife-torn and poverty-stricken parts of the world searching out towns and villages in need of Canadian assistance to recover from drought, war, disease and poverty.


[edit] Early life

She was born Lotte Hitschmann in Prague, Czechoslovakia on November 28, 1909, to Max Hitschmann and Else Theiner.[1] She had a younger sister named Lilly born fifteen months later. Their father was a malt merchant with factories located beyond Prague's suburbs. The family lived in moderate wealth and comfort.

She attended a coeducational high school Stephans Gymnasium where she graduated with honours. In 1929 she enrolled in the school of Philosophy at the University of Prague where she excelled at languages earning diplomas in Czech, German, English, French, and Spanish.[1] In 1932 she went to Paris where she studied political science and journalism at the Sorbonne.

While at the Sorbonne institute she obtained diplomas in journalism and French studies. In 1935 she returned to Prague to work as a freelance journalist. She also completed her PhD at Prague University.

She worked for several newspapers as well as the Yugoslavian government news agency. Her writings reflected her anti-Nazi sentiments. When the Germans seized a third of Czechoslovakia following the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938 she left the country and returned to Paris. She eventually ended up in Brussels, Belgium. At this time she changed her last name to the Slavic pronunciation Hitschmanova which sounded less like German.

[edit] War years

In Belgium, Hitschmanova worked as a journalist, but when the Germans invaded that country she escaped to France, eventually ending up in Marseilles, where she was able to obtain employment with an immigration service that assisted refugees. One day, while queueing in Marseilles's market over lunch hour, she keeled over from fatigue and hunger.

After regaining consciousness, Hitschmanova made her way to a medical clinic run by the Boston-based Unitarian Service Committee. This, claims her biographer, Clyde Sanger, was her first contact with the organization. She became even more familiar with it in January 1942 when she was appointed liaison officer with the Czechoslovak relief agency, Centre d'Aide Tsechoslovaque, but not until 1945 would the USC become her life's major work and mission.

In 1942, Lotta was able to escape from Europe by sailing from Lisbon to New York on a refugee-packed twin-screw steamer designed to carry bananas rather than passengers. After delivering a USC report to Boston, she quickly departed for Canada, which, unlike the United States, had granted her a visa.

Lotta later claimed she reached Montreal "exhausted, with a feeling of absolute solitude in an entirely strange country...I came with $60 in my pocket. I had an unpronounceable name. I weighed less than 100 lbs, and I was completely lost."

She was not lost for long for on her fourth day in this country she managed to obtain a secretarial job with a Montreal firm. Within three months she was in Ottawa working as a postal censor for the Department of War Services. She joined the Czechoslovakian National Alliance and helped raise money for Czech War Services in London, England. She also worked briefly for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.[1]

After the ending of hostilities, Hitschmanova was offered several jobs, including one involving the rehabilitation of children in Czechoslovakia. When she learned that her parents had perished in a holding camp enroute to the Auschwitz concentration camp she decided to stay in Canada.[2]. She found that her sister Lilly had moved to Israel. Later on Lilly relocated to Canada.[1]

[edit] Unitarian Service Committee

In July 1945, she helped to organize the Canadian branch of the Unitarian Service Committee. This was affiliated with the Unitarian Church in Canada as well as the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston. In 1948 it severed its official link with the Unitarians and became an independent organization. However, it retained close ties with the Unitarians for many years.[1]

Its initial objective was the relief of distressed people in France and Czechoslovakia. Senator Cairine Wilson was made honorary chairman, but Hitschmanova who filled the position of Executive Director was the driving force behind the organization. On August 29, 1945 USC Canada was registered under the War Charities Act. At first is was only allowed to raise money from Unitarians but in February 1946 the appeal was extended to all Canadians.[1]

In the spring of 1946, she set off on a three-month tour of western Canada to tell audiences about the hunger and destitution in other countries, to furnish particulars about how Canadian contributions in previous years had been employed and to renew her appeal for funds and clothing. On her first trip she raised $40,000 and collected 30,000 kg of clothing. In the summer of 1946 she travelled to Europe to assess conditions. After that she recommended that the organization focus on physically disabled children. Canadians sent food, money and prosthetic limbs for injured children. Through Hitschmanova's direction, USC Canada started a foster parent program. Canadians could sponsor a child for which they would receive a photo and a story.[1]

Eventually the program was expanded to Italy and Greece. After the relief of Europe was finished, USC expanded its programs to other parts of the world. From the 1950s to 1978, Korea was a major recipient of relief funds. USC Canada also setup programs in 20 other countries including India, Nepal, Vietnam, Lesotho, and Indonesia.[1]

During this period Hitschmanova entered a routine of three months fundraising in Canada and four months overseas to supervise USC Canada programs. She always travelled in her trademark uniform. It was modelled on the outfit worn by American army nurses - olive-green for winter and khaki for summer. Both versions had the word 'Canada' stitched onto the lapel. While she never served in any army, Hitschmanova created the uniform because at the time UN workers were required to wear an identifiable uniform. She found the outfit comfortable to wear and made for a light travelling wardrobe.[1]

During her fundraising drives, Hitschmanova made appeals on radio and television. The USC produced an annual film that portrayed her on her travels to inspect various projects. In 1972 the USC made a film called the USC Story created from film clips of the past 25 years.[1] In 1970, Hitschmanova wrote a book entitled The USC Story: A Quarter Century of Loving Service by the Unitarian Service Committee about her experiences working for USC Canada.[3]

Thanks to her own journalism background, Hitschmanova knew what was needed to make a story and used this expertise to full advantage. Reporters and editors dubbed her "The Atomic Mosquito" because of her continuing success in getting good media coverage.

[edit] Honours

Throughout the years, Dr. Hitschmanova received many awards, including the Gold Medal from the Red Cross of France (1950) and the Medal of St. Paul from Greece (1952).[2] In 1968 she was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and was promoted to Companion in 1979.[4] Dr. Lotta, as she was known, became a venerated symbol of how one person can make a difference in the lives of many, making 56 Sparks Street a household name through her numerous radio and television ads.

In 1982 she retired from her position as Executive Director due to ill health. Although this passionate, articulate woman spent the final years of her life suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she succumbed to cancer. She died September 1, 1990, unmarried, having devoted her life to the service of others.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Grace Hyam. 2001. Foreign-Aid Worker and Humanitarian Lotta Hitschmanova and the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada in Framing our past: Canadian women's history in the twentieth century. Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean, and Kate O'Rourke, eds. McGill-Queen's University Press. Montreal.
  2. ^ a b Frank Schulman. 2004. This Day in Unitarian Universalist History: A Treasury of Anniversaries and Milestones from 600 Years of Religious Tradition. Skinner House Books. Boston, MA. p. 205. ISBN 1558964665
  3. ^ Lotta Hitschmanova. 1970. The USC Story: A Quarter Century of Loving Service by the Unitarian Service Committee. USC Canada. Ottawa, Canada.
  4. ^ Order of Canada citation. 1979. Governor General of Canada. [1]

[edit] External links