Lost Kingdoms

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Lost Kingdoms (America and Europe)
Rune (Japan)

Developer(s) From Software
Publisher(s) Activision
Designer(s) Takashi Kojo
Platform(s) Nintendo GameCube
Release date Japan April 25, 2002
North America May 27, 2002
Europe August 9, 2002
Genre(s) RPG
Mode(s) Single player, Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (T)
CERO: All Ages
Media 1 × GameCube Optical Disc
System requirements 2 Blocks of Memory

Lost Kingdoms is a video game developed by From Software and published by Activision in North America and Europe. The original Japanese version of this game is simply known as Rune. The game itself was first released in Japan on April 25, 2002. It was later released in North America on May 27, 2002, and eventually released in Europe on August 9, 2002. The game itself is a card-based action RPG where battles are fought in real-time.

A sequel, known as Lost Kingdoms II, was released a year later.


[edit] Story

The story begins with a substance known in the game as black fog. This fog is known for consuming people, towns, and other signs of civilization or life, nothing ever to escape from within. In Lost Kingdoms, the fog invades the land of Argwyll, home of the main character Katia, who is also the princess of this kingdom. The fog has been terrorizing the land for a long time, and Katia's father - the king - eventually ventured out to help try and deal with the deadly substance. However, since her father hadn't returned in some time, Katia soon leaves to find him.

Before she leaves, however, she is granted access to the castle's runestone, a key item in this game. With the runestone, Katia is able to use special magic card to battle for her against the monsters that have spawned inside the black fog. Using this runestone, Katia is granted to leave the castle in the hopes of saving the kingdom, as well as finding and possibly rescuing her father. Unfortunately for her, she later finds that monsters killed her farther. Later Katia finds a new enemy in the form of another runestone wielder, a girl named Helena that she repeatedly runs into. Eventually, Katia fights and kills Helena, but before she dies Helena reveals to Katia that she was trying to save her own land from the black fog. Katia eventually discovers that a man named Thalnos is behind the black fog, as well as the existence a malevolent entity known as the God of Destruction. After fighting and killing Thalnos, it turns out that he was just a vessel for the God of Destruction. Katia then fights defeats the evil god as the final boss of the game.

[edit] Gameplay elements

Lost Kingdoms is best known for its unique system of combat. As an RPG, Katia is expected to run into battles. These battles are played in real-time, where you will have to keep your character on the go to avoid enemy attack and plot tactical points to attack. The battle system itself consists of many aspects that were featured in various card games, the easiest of which to notice are from Magic: The Gathering, as well as a minor hint of Pokémon. While the battle system is unique, it is also known for being complex especially in terms of beginners. Katia uses her cards for battle purposes only, as Katia herself can't fight. This aspect makes the game more distinctive because most RPG heroes and heroines are often blessed with the ability to do battle with magic or some sort of weapon. Lost Kingdoms also houses a multiplayer system is which two players can use their own decks to battle one another. When compared to single-player, the multiplayer has various restrictions to make the fight more fair. The biggest aspect of this rule is in terms of healing and one-hit kills, as they are forbidden. Adding to this, since some cards have the ability to return used cards back to the deck, these types of cards are also prohibited.

[edit] Cards

There are three special types of cards as far as battle goes, these types vary among the 105 different cards in the game. Along with the battle types are elements. The elements of these cards includes fire, water, wood, earth, and neutral. Each type has its own advantage over another: Fire is strong against wood, but weak against water. Wood is strong against earth, but weak against fire. Earth is strong against water, but weak against wood. Water is strong against fire, but weak against earth. Neutral is a special and rare element, as it portrays no types of weakness against the other elements. Aside from finding new cards lying around, Katia can also buy, sell, transform, and even capture new cards.

[edit] Getting new cards

Katia is capable of purchasing, finding, or getting her foes to submit to becoming new cards. Adding to this, Katia can also sell unwanted cards, and even have her old cards transformed into new and/or stronger cards. She is able to buy new cards (as well as transform and sell) at the shop available in the game from the woman who runs it. Only a couple of cards are available after each level is completed, and they aren't always completely new cards. Transforming cards is a part of the games EXP aspect, since defeating enemies with a card will earn them EXP (only cards earn EXP, Katia doesn't). Once cards earn enough experience, the shop will transform them into a different card (transformations vary) for a certain amount of their experience points. Finding cards is an easy process, since Katia can often find them in treasure chests or lying along the road, and sometime hiding underneath an object that requires being attacked during a battle. Capturing cards is a special process that allows Katia to transform her foes into cards that can be used for her own disposal and use. By initiating a capture throw, Katia can force weakened enemies into submission and thus transform them. If a capture throw fails, then the enemy only lose a small sum of their life (one or two points), so the enemy must be greatly weakened before being a part of your deck with the capture throw.

[edit] Card types

[edit] Weapon-type

A weapon-type card is a card for quick use. Upon choosing a card of this type, a monster will quickly appear, attack, and then disappear as quickly as it showed up. These cards can often be used two or more times, depending on the card being used. Weapon-type cards generally carry weak to moderate strength, and are good for quick and sudden attacks. Common examples of weapon-type cards include the Lizardmen and Raven, both of which are very common throughout the game.

The Beserker card from Lost Kingdoms. It is an independent-type card.
The Beserker card from Lost Kingdoms. It is an independent-type card.

[edit] Summons-type

A summons-type card is a card that will temporarily replace Katia with the summoned monster. This monster will make for a dramatic entrance, and then proceed to attack in their own unique fashion. Most summons-type cards can only be used once, since their attacks tend to be of a powerful type. Once the monster's attack is complete, it will disappear and Katia will reappear in their place. Two common types of summons-type cards include the Birdman and the Lycanthorpe, both carrying decent to strong attack power.

[edit] Independent-type

An independent-type card is a card that will act on its own after being summoned. After which, this monster will stay on the battlefield until either its HP is depleted, or until the allotted time it is given runs out (most monsters are given a time limit as to how long they can be on the battlefield, but there are some exceptions to this rule). The action an independent-type monster will make varies; some will attack the enemy while others are only there for the sake of either enhancing your allies or downgrading the opponent, as well as decoy monsters who are used to distract enemies away from you.

[edit] Exploration

The game itself is deemed as linear, since the player is unable to return to places they have completed until they defeat the final boss. Katia will venture from her own castle to various roads and highways, clearing out the black fog as she uses her cards to defeat bosses and complete tasks. Unlike most RPGs, Katia isn't able to visit free towns, rest at inns (but her health is restored after exiting a stage), or partake in any typical mini-games or side quests in the game (very few of which are existent in the game). While Katia may visit towns, they only serve as purpose for her to clear from the black fog, as many residents are either gone or dead. Along the way, Katia will meet mostly soldiers in the game that are depicted as NPCs, but very few other types. Sometimes, the path Katia has to take will branch, giving her more than one location to advance upon.

[edit] External links
