Los Angeles School Of Global Studies
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The Los Angeles School of Global Studies (LASGS), located at 322 S. Lucas Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90017, is a separate school sharing space with the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex. LASGS opened in the fall of 2006 with only Freshman and Sophomore classes as one of four New Technology High Schools in the Los Angeles Area. In the 2008-2009 school-year they will reach a proposed capacity of 360 students as that will be the first year they will house all four grade levels.
New Technology schools promote the use of Project-Based Learning and the team-teaching of courses. LASGS in particular has made a concerted effort to integrate those team-taught courses. Most notably all Humanities courses are taught in this model and although there are still come modifications being made to the Math and Science pairings, they are also team-taught and integrated at a far higher level than most other schools in the network.
Four-Year Course Offerings
Freshman Year
Scientific Studies - Algebra 1 and ICS
Global Studies 9 - English 9 and Spanish
Double PE or PE and Non-Native Spanish
Sophomore Year
Geometric Media Studies - Geometry and Digital Multimedia Productions
Global Studies 10 - English 10 and World History
One Other Elective
Junior Year
Name TBD - Algebra 2 and Chemistry
American Studies - English Literature and U.S. History
Possible Elective
Junior Internship
Senior Year
2 Courses through LACC, mostly Advanced Math courses and Physics
Name TBD - English Language and Economics and Government
Possible Elective
Senior Project
Electives: Choir, Journalism, Art, Digital Media, Philosophy, Drama
Website: www.lasgs.org [1]