Los Angeles Resistance Cell (V series)

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The Los Angeles Resistance Cell, in the NBC television series "V", is an underground rebel organization that formed in response to the invasion of the Earth by the alien Visitor armies. The cell group is part of a much larger organization called "The Resistance" which is a large collection of cell groups based in different countries or continents that fight the Visitors using whatever available means.


[edit] History

When the Visitors came to Earth, claiming friendship and offers of technological advancements to their people, the world's separate governments all accepted and the Visitors soon dominated modern-day life. Eventually several people began to doubt their intentions and began investigating. Eventually the Visitors were exposed as invaders hoping to harvest the human race and the Earth itself for its resources due to their own resources being long depleted. A group of sixteen individuals came together under Julie Parrish, one of the few scientists left alive following a massive Visitor-induced discrimination effort, and arranged the cell structure and common survival tactics that the Resistance uses to this day.

Soon, open warfare with the Visitors began, though the Resistance initially floundered, it was able to secure military-grade equipment and weapons and their superiors in the World Liberation Front, inspired by their daring "stunt" that un-masked Supreme Commander John as a reptilian-based humanoid instead of a human-like being, sent experts to get their group off the ground and the Fifth Column, the Visitor underground organization dedicated to bring peace to their people and end their war on Earth, provided information on the latest Visitor operations. But several key members of the group were killed in ensuing battles and skirmishes in-between these events, demoralizing the group.

When the Red Dust, a deadly viral strain toxic to Visitor physiology, was discovered, Resistance scientists cultivated it into a weaponized gas weapon. But when word reached the Visitors of the development of the Dust, Commander Diana planned to use the L.A. Mothership to destroy the Earth with its self-destruct mechanism. This forced the Resistance to divide their forces into one all-out operation; most of the Resistance soldiers would deploy the toxin in hot-air balloons in a massive coordinated release with other groups with their own groups of balloons, and release the toxin into the air. Meanwhile, a small Resistance force would go with an armed Fifth Column assault team to shut down the self-destruct before it went off. The attack was successful and the Resistance was victorious while the Visitors were forced to flee the now-toxic Earth and into space.

[edit] Return of the Visitors

One year after Liberation Day, Diana; the Visitor Commander captured trying to flee the Mothership she was trying to destroy, escaped custody and fled into space; returning a short time later with reinforcements from a new Visitor fleet based around the Moon. Since the Red Dust's effect in warm climates is temporary, half the world was once again open to invasion. When the attack began, The government and military forces, still recovering from the First Invasion, quickly collapsed under the Visitors repeated incursions, leaving the population and most major cities open to attack. Resistance cells formed back together, some old members not returning, and new members joining. The L.A. Resistance reformed in Elias Taylor's restaurant; Club Creole, and used its hidden cellar as a base of operations against the Visitors. Unlike the First Invasion, the Resistance had to face an increasing number of problems from Collaborators; most especially Nathan Bates; the owner of the largest and most powerful corporation in the world; Science Frontiers, whose security personnel took control of law and order in the local areas around their Los Angeles-based Headquarters. Bates, concerned about trying to keep law and order, outlawed the Resistance group and routinely hounded them, capturing and killing members. However, Science Frontiers was shut down after Bates's assassination and the Resistance prospered. The group also performed more tasks for other Resistance groups, such as supply missions, aid missions, reinforcement deployments, Visitor facility raids and performed many missions across the United States, all of them designed to steadily dislodge the Visitors hold on the world.

[edit] Specifications

The group numbers around 75 active members, and several hundred local supporters. The group itself is an independent subsidiary of the "World Liberation Front", the most powerful of the Resistance's groups and openly fights the Visitors using standard army methods instead of common guerilla tactics. Since the cell group is based in central Los Angeles, which is directly below Commander Diana's flagship; this makes them the frontline against all her plans to crush all opposition to Visitor colonization of Earth and generally acts as the most defiant of all groups under their infamous leader; Mike Donovan.

[edit] Status

The L.A. Resistance is currently active in fighting the invading Visitors; but the majority of the Resistance organization itself was crushed in the (unaired) final episode "The Attack", where the supreme leader of the entire Visitor civilization; known only as "The Leader", used the temporary Armistice between their peoples to launch a surprise attack that overwhelmed the majority of the world's Resistance groups. The fate of the organization will be revealed in the upcoming novel; V: The Second Generation.

[edit] Bases

The L.A. Resistance has had a multitude of bases for headquarters in the past (due to lack of resources and suitable areas; other bases or outposts couldn't be constructed or maintained).

  • Club Creole/The Hideout (destroyed)
  • Lighthouse Base (abandoned)
  • Research Center
  • Disused film set (abandoned)
  • Downtown jail (abandoned)
  • San Pedro Municipal Building (abandoned)

[edit] Equipment

  • .45 Automatic Pistols
  • Automatic Rifles
  • AK-47 Rifles
  • Explosives
  • Food Supplies
  • Gasoline-powered Generators
  • Grenades
  • Helicopter Gunships
  • Hot-Air Balloons
  • Jeeps
  • Jet Fighters
  • M-16 Rifles
  • Medical Equipment
  • Medical Supplies
  • Medicines
  • Pistols
  • Planes
  • 1 Portable Computer
  • Radio Equipment
  • "Red Dust" Viral Weapon (un-usable)
  • Shotguns
  • Teflon-tipped Ammunition
  • Trucks (5)
  • Uzi Submachine Guns
  • Vans
  • Visitor-vocal cord Emulators
  • Visitor Electronics
  • Visitor Laser Pistols
  • Visitor Laser Rifles
  • Visitor Mothership (1 destroyed)
  • Visitor Shuttles
  • Visitor Skyfighters
  • Visitor Troop Transports
  • Visitor Uniforms
  • Water Supplies

[edit] Leaders

  • Leader: Michael "Mike" Donovan
  • Field Leader: Ham Tyler
  • Financier: Elias Taylor (deceased)
  • Founder: Doctor Juliet "Julie" Parrish

[edit] Other Members

  • Abraham Bernstein (deceased)
  • Alan Davis
  • Arthur Dupres
  • Caleb Taylor
  • Chris Farber
  • Dan Pascal (deceased)
  • Dean Harris
  • Doctor Benjamin "Ben" Taylor (deceased)
  • Doctor David Atkins
  • Doctor Fred King (deceased)
  • Doctor Kathleen Maxwell (deceased)
  • Doctor Robert Maxwell (deceased)
  • Doctor Steven Maitland
  • Elizabeth "Starchild" Maxwell
  • Father Andrew Doyle (deceased)
  • Father Turney
  • Fisher (deceased)
  • General Curtis Morgan
  • George Caniff
  • Griggs
  • Harmony "Harmy" Moore (deceased)
  • Henry "The Hacker" Atkins
  • Jennifer
  • Jenny O'Hara (deceased)
  • Joanne Davis
  • John Michael "Johnny" Davis
  • Josh Brooks
  • Katie Maxwell
  • Kyle "Ace" Bates
  • Lynn Bernstein
  • Maggie Blodgett
  • Mongo
  • Nicholas "Nicky" Caniff
  • Police Officer Brad
  • Police Officer Gus
  • Police Officer Mark (deceased)
  • Polly Maxwell
  • Robin Maxwell
  • Ruby Engels (deceased)
  • Sancho Gomez
  • Stanley Bernstein
  • Steve Roller
  • Tony Wah Chong Leonetti (deceased)
  • Vanik
  • Victoria Davis