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Lord Somos is the internet/virtual handle of Jimmy Allen Davis. To reach him, email
- Born in 1977 in Augsburg to Sylviane and Howard Davis. - Spent 13 years living and exploring Europe. Germany, France, Spain and Italy consist of the majority of his European experience. - Published 2 books; Useful Programs for the TI-89 and The Permutanomicon - Obtained a B.S. in Engineering Physics. Senior Project: The Implementation of a Infinite Discrete Data Compression Algorithm. - Programmed 4H, Stegaform, Gimbled Spectrometer Motion Estimation Software (GS-MES) among others. - Wrapping up a M.S. in Physics. Thesis: On the Mineralogical Analysis of Mafic Spectra in Asteroids. - Currently building a 22 DoF Mechanical Hand - Planning on Obtaining a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Science. - Notable Companies: Gateway Computers, NASA, Florida Space Institute - Engaged to be married to Czaedyn (see VR section)
Virtual Reality:
- Somos is a multiple staged character in Ultima Online, an mmorpg released some time ago. The character spanned itself from a fighter to a mage. Somos in Ultima Online was retired a year after the game came out. - Somos is a PC in World of Warcraft. He started approximately four months after the start of the game. He is still playing as a level 60 undead mage on Shadowsong. He was a founding member and second in command of the guild called Syndrome. In the summer of 2006, Somos left the game for approximately two months. He had raided with Grim Spectres, Death and We Might Be Giants raids. Upon his return Somos followed Czaedyn into the We Might Be Giants and continues to raid with them to this day.
--Lordsomos 04:08, 30 September 2006 (UTC)