Lorne Gershuny

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Lorne Gershuny is a Canadian lawyer and political activist.

An active member of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) (CPC-ML), Gershuny was the party's candidate in Parkdale--High Park in the 2000 federal election receiving 122 votes. He was also the CPC-ML standard-bearer in the same riding in the 2004 federal election, garnering 130 votes, & in the 2006 federal election, garnering 133 votes.

In 2002, Gershuny was a member of the Canadian delegation to the 8th International Fact-Finding Mission of the Korea Truth Commission, which visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in support of the North Korean government.

He remains active with the Canadian chapter of the Korean Truth Commission and argues against foreign intervention against the Communist state. He is also co-ordinator of the Lawyer's Committee for the Anti-Terrorist Cuban Five, and is active with the People's Front Organization of Canada (a CPC-ML front group). In his legal practice, Gershuny has taken on several political cases defending members of the Kitchener Waterloo Youth Collective and Anti-Racist Action.

Lorne Gershuny's brother, David Gershuny is also a member of the CPC-ML and has been a candidate on four occasions.