Long Lye Meadow

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Long Lye Meadow
Area of Search Somerset
Grid Reference ST267119
Interest Biological
Area 3.3 hectare
Notification 2002
Location Map English Nature

Long Lye Meadow (grid reference ST267119) is a 3.3 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Blackdown Hills, Somerset, notified in 2002.

This site along with the adjoining Long Lye were considered to be under threat from a scheme to widen the A303.[1]

The neutral grassland component varies in character and herb richness. There is a strong population of Green-winged Orchid (Orchis morio), together with a few plants of common twayblade (Listera ovata). In a few areas meadow thistle (Cirsium dissectum) occurs. [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Victory as Government backs down over Blackdown Hills. Friends of the Earth. Retrieved on 2006-08-17.
  2. ^ Long Lye Meadow. English Nature. Retrieved on 2006-08-17.

Coordinates: 50.90190° N 3.04377° W