Lone Sloane

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Lone Sloane is a highly influential science fiction character created in 1966 by the French cartoonist Philippe Druillet.

Lone Sloane's first episode was that of Druillet's very debut, Mystère des Abîmes, published in 1966. The following stories were published on the French magazine Pilote from February 1970 to April 1971. The series was subsequently revamped by the author for the magazime Metal Hurlant.

The stories are set in a future, generic year 800 after the Great Fear. Lone Sloane, after his spaceship has self-destroyed, is launched in the space and caught by an abstract entity, He Who Seeks. He is therefore thrown into a different dimension, turned into a cursed space rogue and freebooter with red eyes and strange powers. Here he found himself caught in an inter-galactic struggle featuring space pirates, gigantic robots, dark gods and other-dimensional entities. In a way not so different from Silver Surfer with Galactus, or Ulysses with Greek Gods, he is compelled to wander without an end in a universe which is alien to him. A striking feature is also the quasi-Baroque style of Druillet's pages, which renders in a personal way Lovecraft's space nightmares mixed with M.C. Escher's influences.

[edit] Chronology

  1. Le Mystère des Abîmes ("The Mystery of the Abyss"), 1966
  2. Le Trone du Dieu Noir ("The Throne of the Black God"), Pilote N°538, 1970
  3. Les Iles du Vent Sauvage ("The Isle of the Doom Wind"), Pilote N°553, 1970
  4. Rose, Pilote N°562, 1970
  5. Torquedara Varenkor: Le Pont sur les Etoiles ("The Bridge over the Stars"), Pilote N°569, 1970
  6. O Sidarta, Pilote N°578, 1970
  7. Terra, Pilote N°598, 1971
  8. Delirius (written by Jacques Lob), Pilote N°651-666, 1972
  9. Gail, Metal Hurlant N°18-27, 1975-1976
  10. Chaos, 2000

[edit] External links
