London Tonight

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London Tonight
Genre News
Country of origin Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Producer(s) ITN (from 2004)

London News Network (1993-2004)

Running time London Tonight: 30 Minutes
London Today: Varies
Original channel ITV1 London
Original run (December 10, 1992 - Special Pilot) January 4, 1993 – present

London Tonight is the flagship news programme broadcast to the Carlton/LWT region of the ITV Network. Produced by ITN, it broadcasts at 6pm every weeknight. Like all regional news programmes on ITV in England and Wales and Channel Television, it uses the generic ITV plc font and idents.


[edit] London News Network

London Tonight began on January 4, 1993 shortly after Carlton Television won the London weekday franchise from previous holder Thames. The programme was originally produced by London News Network in association with LWT and Carlton. LNN was established to provide a united, seven day, Channel 3 news service for London. Its creation established a continuity between the once different brands of weekend and weekday news, weather and sport.

On Screen the only difference between the Weekday and Weekend programmes became a the endcap. Programmes featured the Carlton or LWT Logo beside the LNN Logo. This continued after the onscreen identities of Carlton London and LWT were scrapped by owners Carlton and Granada in anticipation of a merger. Instead of being referred to as LWT and Carlton, ITV London (weekend) and ITV London (weekday) became the respective names and all onscreen idents referred to ITV1 London.

ITV London (weekday) and ITV London (weekend) owners Carlton and Granada merged, forming ITV plc and LNN was dissolved soon after this. Production for all ITV London News Programmes remained at The London Studios (formerly known as the LWT South Bank Centre) until 2004. Production is now conducted by the national Channel 3 news franchisee ITN at their headquarters in Central London, making the region is unique as it holds the only franchise operation not to produce its own in-house news programmes.

[edit] On air

London Today/Tonight airs on ITV1 London seven days a week. ITV London provides three news bulletins during GMTV. The mid-morning bulletin airs immediately after an ITV News Summary, during This Morning, this update airs for around 10 minutes. The lunchtime edition of the programme follows on from the ITV Lunchtime News, giving a five minute round-up of the days developments between 1.55pm and 2.00pm. The main evening edition of London Tonight begins at 6.00pm, and ends at 6.30pm. The late news update from the region follows the News at Ten, airing between 10.30pm and 10.40pm, Mondays to Thursdays, and between 11.30pm and 11.40pm on Fridays, after The Late News.

London Today/Tonight airs four bulletins at weekends: two on Saturday, at lunchtime, and late afternoon, and two on Sunday: at lunchtime and the evening edition at 6.25pm.


All bulletins and extended features, as well as weather and entertainment news, are available through ITV Local.

[edit] Presenters

Main anchors

Relief presenters

Late programme presenters

Weekend Presenters


Past presenters

[edit] Reporters

  • Glen Goodman
  • Simon Harris, Political Correspondent (and former news editor, 1993; also political correspondent for ITV network news)
  • Ben Scotchbrook, London Life Correspondent
  • Phil Bayles
  • Liz Wickham
  • Emma Walden
  • Paul Larsmon
  • Annabel Hackney
  • Ronke Phillips
  • Tamzin Sylvester, Entertainment Correspondent

[edit] External links