Loève Prize
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The Line and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability (Loève Prize) was created in 1992 in honor of Michel Loève by his widow Line. The prize, awarded every two years, is intended to recognize outstanding contributions by researchers in mathematical probability who are under 45 years old. With a prize value of around $30,000 this is one of the most generous awards in any specific mathematical subdiscipline.
[edit] Winners
- 2007 Richard Kenyon
- 2005 Wendelin Werner.
- 2003 Oded Schramm.
- 2001 Yuval Peres.
- 1999 Alain-Sol Sznitman.
- 1997 Jean-François Le Gall.
- 1995 Michel Talagrand.
- 1993 David Aldous.