User:Liza campbell

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Liza Campbell is an artist and writer, living in London. She is the last child to have been born at Cawdor Castle, of Macbeth fame. Her father was the 25th Thane of Cawdor. After art school, a writing course at NYU and work on various glossy magazines, she left England in her late 20s to live on the last inhabited island before Somali in Kenya's Lamu Archipelago - the extremely remote, Kiwaiyu. This Robinson Crusoe life, living under a tree and fishing for food every day, lasted for four years. It was followed by a period living on the equally remote Indonesian island of Sumba. As an artist, Liza Campbell has had exhibitions of engraved soapstone at All Saints Gallery, Babbington House and as the annual non-sculptural guest artist at the Sladmore Gallery. More recently, she has shown collages at the Michael Naimski Gallery. For 4 years, until 2004, she wrote the Harpers&Queen humourous back page column 'Adventures of a Past It Girl', which she gave up to concentrate on writing a memoir of her early life at Cawdor. The book ,Title Deeds, was published in June 2006 by Doubleday. In November 2006, Title Deeds was called in by the judges of the JR Ackerley award for literary biography, the short list of which is announced in April. She was married to and now divorced from big game fisherman, buccaneer and painter, Willie Athill, with whom she has two children.