Liverpool University Band Society

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Band Society Logo 2006

The Liverpool University Band Society, is a registered Guild of Students society which attracts over 100 members per year, putting it in the top 5 most popular University societies.

[edit] Practice Room

The Band Society has a practice room which is located in the basement of the original Guild of Students building. It's not known how long the band society has existed for, but it has recently gone through a massive change from what was almost a dormant society, to one of the most active within the University. The practice room was recently refurbished, and contains a complete set of equipment available for the Band Society members to use.

[edit] Events

Gigs are organised regularly by the Band Society and are held either within the Guild of Students, one of Liverpool's most popular music venues, or in the city centre. The event list is kept updated and can be found on the Band Society website at

[edit] Website

The Band Society website was launched in September 2006 and contains constant news updates from within the society, as well as an extensive range of photographs from events, with some short films made by a fellow society, The Basement Film Unit.