Little Sodbury

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Little Sodbury is an English village in South Gloucestershire a little east of Chipping Sodbury.

Little Sodbury Manor was the home of Sir John Walsh who employed William Tyndale as chaplain and tutor in about 1521; by tradition he began his translation of the Bible in his bedroom here. The manor retains the porch and Great Hall, with a timber roof resting on corbels carved as shield-bearing angels, of the fifteenth-century courtyard house. The house fell into disrepair in the nineteenth century, but was restored by Lord Hugh Grosvenor, under the surveillance of the architect Sir Harold Brakspear.

Little Sodbury's Iron Age hill fort reshaped by the Romans is accessible from the village via the Cotswold Way at grid reference ST760826. There is an Royal Observer Corps post at grid reference ST766838.

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