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White's Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
White's Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Hylidae
Genus: Litoria
Tschudi, 1838

See text

Litoria is a genus of tree frog native to: Australia, Bismarck Archipelago, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccan Islands, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor. They are distinguishable from other tree frogs, by the presence of horizontal irises, no pigmentation of the eye lid and their distribution.

The species within the genus Litoria are extremely variable in appearance, behaviour and habitat. The smallest species within the genus is the Javelin Frog (Litoria microbelos), reaching a maximum length of 1.6 centimeters, while the largest, the Giant Tree Frog (Litoria infrafrenata), reaches a size 13.5 centimeters. The appearance, behaviour and habitat of each frog is usually linked. The small, darkly coloured frogs are generally terrestrial, and will never, or infrequently, climb. The larger, green species are usually arboreal and some will only venture to the ground to breed.

[edit] Taxonomy

The genus contains some 130 species, which include: Slender Tree Frog, Litoria adelaidensis (Gray, 1841)
Wandolleck's White-lipped Tree Frog, Litoria albolabris (Wandolleck, 1911)
Horst's Tree Frog, Litoria amboinensis (Horst, 1883)
Cape Melville Tree Frog, Litoria andiirrmalin (McDonald, 1997)
Angiana Tree Frog, Litoria angiana (Boulenger, 1915)
Arfakiana Tree Frog, Litoria arfakiana (Peters and Doria, 1878)
Aru Tree Frog, Litoria aruensis (Horst, 1883)
Litoria auae (Menzies and Tyler, 2004)
Green and Golden Bell Frog, Litoria aurea (Lesson, 1827)
Mountain Stream Tree Frog, Litoria barringtonensis (Copland , 1957)
Beck's Tree Frog, Litoria becki (Loveridge, 1945)
Litoria biakensis Günther, 2006
Litoria bibonius (Kraus and Allison, 2004)
Northern Dwarf Tree Frog, Litoria bicolor (Gray, 1842)
Booroolong Frog, Litoria booroolongensis (Moore, 1961)
Green Thighed Frog, Litoria brevipalmata (Tyler, Martin and Watson, 1972)
Brongersma's Tree Frog, Litoria brongersmai (Loveridge, 1945)
Bulmer's Tree Frog, Litoria bulmeri (Tyler, 1968)
Tasmanian Tree Frog, Litoria burrowsae (Scott, 1942)
White's Tree Frog, Litoria caerulea (White, 1790)
Samlakki Tree Frog, Litoria capitula (Tyler, 1968)
Tablelands Bell Frog, Litoria castanea (Steindachner, 1867)
Cave-dwelling Frog, Litoria cavernicola (Tyler and Davies, 1979)
Red-eyed Tree Frog, Litoria chloris (Boulenger, 1892)
Arfak Mountain Tree Frog, Litoria chloronota (Boulenger, 1911)
Litoria chrisdahli Richards, 2007
Blue Mountains Tree Frog, Litoria citropa (Tschudi, 1838)
Yule Island Tree Frog, Litoria congenita (Peters and Doria, 1878)
Barabuna Tree Frog, Litoria contrastens (Tyler, 1968)
Cooloolah Tree Frog, Litoria cooloolensis (Liem, 1974)
Copland's Rock Frog, Litoria coplandi (Tyler, 1968)
Whirring Tree Frog, Litoria corbeni (Wells and Wellington, 1985)
Spotted-thighed Frog, Litoria cyclorhynchus (Boulenger, 1882)
Dahl's Aquatic Frog, Litoria dahlii (Boulenger, 1896)
Darlington's Madang Tree Frog, Litoria darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1945)
Davies' Tree Frog, Litoria daviesae (Mahony, Knowles, Foster and Donnellan, 2001)
Bleating Tree Frog or Keferstein's Tree Frog, Litoria dentata (Keferstein, 1868)
Dwarf Rocket Frog, Litoria dorsalis (Macleay, 1878)
Eastern Mountains Tree Frog, Litoria dorsivena (Tyler, 1968)
Litoria dux Richards & Oliver, 2006
Buzzing Tree Frog, Litoria electrica (Ingram and Corben, 1990)
Litoria elkeae R. Günther & Richards, 2000
Fringed Tree Frog, Litoria eucnemis (Lönnberg, 1900)
Everett's Timor Tree Frog, Litoria everetti (Boulenger, 1897)
Brown Tree Frog, Litoria ewingii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
Big-eyed Tree Frog, Litoria exophthalmia (Tyler, Davies and Aplin, 1986)
Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, Litoria fallax (Peters, 1880)
Litoria flavescens (Kraus and Allison, 2004)
Freycinet's Frog, Litoria freycineti (Tschudi, 1838)
New Guinea Tree Frog, Litoria genimaculata (Horst, 1883)
Centralian Tree Frog, Litoria gilleni (Spencer, 1896)
Dainty Green Tree Frog, Litoria gracilenta (Peters, 1869)
Northern New Guinea Tree Frog, Litoria graminea (Boulenger, 1905)
Litoria havina (Menzies, 1993)
Litoria humboldtorum R. Günther, 2006
Litoria hunti Richards et al., 2006
Southern New Guinea Tree Frog, Litoria impura (Peters and Doria, 1878)
Bumpy Rocket Frog, Litoria inermis (Peters, 1867)
Giant Tree Frog or White-lipped Tree Frog, Litoria infrafrenata (Günther, 1867)
Western Highland Tree Frog Litoria iris (Tyler, 1962)
Javan Mossy Tree Frog, Litoria javana (Ahl, 1926)
Jenolan Caves Tree Frog, Litoria jenolanensis (Copland , 1957)
Jervis Bay Tree Frog, Litoria jervisiensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
Garman New Guinea Tree Frog, Litoria jeudii (Werner, 1901)
Litoria jungguy (Donnellan and Mahony, 2004)
Litoria kumae (Menzies and Tyler, 2004)
Broad Palmed Frog, Litoria latopalmata (Günther, 1867)
Lesueur's Frog, Litoria lesueurii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
West Sepik Tree Frog Litoria leucova (Tyler, 1968)
Littlejohn's Tree Frog, Litoria littlejohni (White, Whitford and Mahony, 1994)
Wendessi Tree Frog, Litoria longicrus (Boulenger, 1911)
Long-snouted Frog Litoria longirostris (Tyler and Davies, 1977)
Armoured Frog, Litoria lorica (Davies and McDonald, 1979)
Rossell Island Tree Frog, Litoria louisiadensis (Tyler, 1968)
Faro Island Tree Frog, Litoria lutea (Boulenger, 1887)
Litoria macki (Richards, 2001)
Litoria majikthise (Johnston and Richards, 1994)
Litoria megalops Richards & Iskandar, 2006
Rockhole Frog, Litoria meiriana (Tyler, 1969)
Javelin Frog Litoria microbelos (Cogger, 1966)
Nodugl Tree Frog, Litoria micromembrana (Tyler, 1963)
Oruge Tree Frog, Litoria modica (Tyler, 1968)
Litoria moorei (Copland , 1957)
Litoria mucro (Menzies, 1993)
Litoria multicolor
Oruge Tree Frog, Litoria multiplica (Tyler, 1964)
Litoria myola Hoskin, 2007
Moaif Tree Frog, Litoria mystax (Kampen, 1906)
Waterfall Frog, Litoria nannotis (Andersson, 1916)
Snow Mountains Tree Frog, Litoria napaea (Tyler, 1968)
Rocket Frog, Litoria nasuta (Gray, 1842)
Bridled Frog, Litoria nigrofrenata (Günther, 1867)
Black-dotted Tree Frog, Litoria nigropunctata (Meyer, 1875)
Southern Leaf Green Tree Frog, Litoria nudidigitus (Copland, 1962)
Nyakala Frog, Litoria nyakalensis (Liem, 1974)
Jobi Tree Frog, Litoria obtusirostris (Meyer, 1875)
Trauna River Tree Frog Litoria oenicolen (Menzies and Zweifel, 1974)
Litoria ollauro (Menzies, 1993)
Olongburra Frog, Litoria olongburensis (Liem and Ingram, 1977)
Pale Frog, Litoria pallida (Davies, Martin and Watson, 1983)
Red Cryptic Tree Frog, Litoria paraewingii (Watson, Loftus-Hills and Littlejohn, 1971)
Pearson's Green Tree Frog, Litoria pearsoniana (Copland , 1961)
Peron's Tree Frog or Emerald Speckled Tree Frog, Litoria peronii (Tschudi, 1838)
Masked Frog, Litoria personata (Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1978)
Leaf Green Tree Frog, Litoria phyllochroa (Günther, 1863)
Peppered Tree Frog, Litoria piperata (Tyler and Davies, 1985)
Pratt's Tree Frog, Litoria pratti (Boulenger, 1911)
Litoria pronimia (Menzies, 1993)
Efogi Tree Frog, Litoria prora (Menzies, 1969)
Litoria purpureolata Oliver et al., 2007
Geelvink Pigmy Tree Frog, Litoria pygmaea (Meyer, 1875)
Lined Tree Frog, Litoria quadrilineata (Tyler and Parker, 1974)
Growling Grass Frog, Litoria raniformis (Keferstein, 1867)
Revealed Frog, Litoria revelata (Ingram, Corben and Hosmer, 1982)
Common Mist Frog, Litoria rheocola (Liem, 1974)
Litoria richardsi Dennis & Cunningham, 2006
Litoria rostandi Kraus, 2007
Roth's Tree Frog, Litoria rothii (De Vis, 1884)
Desert Tree Frog, Litoria rubella (Gray, 1842)
Litoria rubrops (Kraus and Allison, 2004)
Sabang Tree Frog, Litoria sanguinolenta (Kampen, 1909)
Litoria sauroni Richards & Oliver, 2006.
Litoria singadanae (Richards, 2005)
Litoria spartacus Richards & Oliver, 2006.
Spotted Tree Frog, Litoria spenceri (Dubois, 1984)
Spiny Tree Frog, Litoria spinifera (Tyler, 1968)
Magnificent Tree Frog, Litoria splendida (Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1977)
New England Tree Frog or Glandular Tree Frog, Litoria subglandulosa (Tyler and Anstis, 1983)
Treasury Island Tree Frog, Litoria thesaurensis (Peters, 1877)
Menemsorae Tree Frog, Litoria timida (Tyler and Parker, 1972)
Tornier's Frog, Litoria tornieri (Nieden, 1923)
Tyler's Tree Frog or Southern Laughing Tree Frog, Litoria tyleri (Martin, Watson, Gartside, Littlejohn and Loftus-Hills, 1979)
Litoria umarensis R. Günther, 2004
Baliem River Valley Tree Frog Litoria umbonata (Tyler and Davies, 1983)
Wahai Tree Frog, Litoria vagabunda (Peters and Doria, 1878)
Litoria verae R. Günther, 2004
Verreaux's Tree Frog, Litoria verreauxii (Duméril, 1853)
Brown River Tree Frog, Litoria vocivincens (Menzies, 1972)
Litoria wapogaensis (Richards and Iskandar, 2001)
Stoney Creek Frog, Litoria wilcoxi (Günther, 1864)
Watjulum Frog, Litoria wotjulumensis (Copland , 1957)
Wissel Lakes Tree Frog, Litoria wisselensis (Tyler, 1968)
Highland Tree Frog, Litoria wollastoni (Boulenger, 1914)
Orange-thighed Frog, Litoria xanthomera (Davies, McDonald and Adams, 1986)

[edit] References