Wikipedia:List of infoboxes/Sciences

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This section needs to be updated to reflect changes to the infobox system. For example, the dog is a taxobox which has now been depreciated.


[edit] Organisms

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Tree of Life

Pacific Gull


Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Laridae
Genus: Larus
Species: pacificus
Binomial name
Larus pacificus
Latham, 1802

Current use of colors for organisms.

Animalia pink
Plantae lightgreen
Fungi lightblue
Protista khaki
Bacteria lightgrey
Archaea darkgray

[edit] Dog breeds

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Dog breeds for latest version and discussions.

[edit] It is atest breeds

[edit] It is atest breeds

[edit] Chemical compounds

A single new infobox, part of the Wikiproject Chemicals replaces the previous Chembox, Chembox_simple_organic and chembox_simple_inorganic

List of infoboxes/Sciences
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

{{subst:chembox new}}
The new full chemical infobox, generally for all chemical compounds and with optional components

[edit] Drugs and medicines

Part of the Wikiproject Pharmacy

List of infoboxes/Sciences
Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS number  ?
ATC code  ?
PubChem  ?
Chemical data
Formula  ?
Mol. mass  ?
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability  ?
Metabolism  ?
Half life  ?
Excretion  ?
Therapeutic considerations
Pregnancy cat.


Legal status
Routes  ?

Box for use with drug, fixed drug-combinations or monoclonal antibody drugs

[edit] Elements

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Elements

79 platinumgoldmercury


Name, Symbol, Number gold, Au, 79
Chemical series transition metals
Group, Period, Block 11, 6, d
Appearance metallic yellow
Standard atomic weight 196.96655(2)  g·mol−1
Electron configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1
Electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 1
Physical properties
Phase solid
Density (near r.t.) 19.3  g·cm−3
Liquid density at m.p. 17.31  g·cm−3
Melting point 1337.33 K
(1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F)
Boiling point 3129 K
(2856 °C, 5173 °F)
Heat of fusion 12.55  kJ·mol−1
Heat of vaporization 324  kJ·mol−1
Specific heat capacity (25 °C) 25.418  J·mol−1·K−1
Vapor pressure
P(Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T(K) 1646 1814 2021 2281 2620 3078
Atomic properties
Crystal structure cubic face centered
Oxidation states 3, 1
(amphoteric oxide)
Electronegativity 2.54 (Pauling scale)
Ionization energies 1st: 890.1 kJ/mol
2nd: 1980 kJ/mol
Atomic radius 135pm
Atomic radius (calc.) 174  pm
Covalent radius 144  pm
Van der Waals radius 166 pm
Magnetic ordering diamagnetic
Electrical resistivity (20 °C) 22.14 n Ω·m
Thermal conductivity (300 K) 318  W·m−1·K−1
Thermal expansion (25 °C) 14.2  µm·m−1·K−1
Speed of sound (thin rod) (r.t.) (hard-drawn)
2030  m·s−1
Young's modulus 78  GPa
Shear modulus 27  GPa
Bulk modulus 220  GPa
Poisson ratio 0.44
Mohs hardness 2.5
Vickers hardness 216  MPa
Brinell hardness 2450  MPa
CAS registry number 7440-57-5
Selected isotopes
Main article: Isotopes of list of infoboxes/sciences
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
195Au syn 186.10 d ε 0.227 195Pt
196Au syn 6.183 d ε 1.506 196Pt
β- 0.686 196Hg
197Au 100% 197Au is stable with 118 neutrons
198Au syn 2.69517 d β- 1.372 198Hg
199Au syn 3.169 d β- 0.453 199Hg

Element table headings will have fill colors that match the fill colors used for that element's chemical series in the periodic table: (Copied from Wikipedia:WikiProject Elements)

Alkali metals #FF6666
Alkaline earths #FFDEAD
Lanthanides #ffbfff
Actinides #ff99cc
Transition metals #ffc0c0
Metals #cccccc
Semimetals #cccc99
Nonmetals #a0ffa0
Halogens #ffff99
Noble gases #c0ffff

[edit] Constellations

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Constellations

Click for larger image
List of stars in Andromeda
Abbreviation: And
Genitive: Andromedae
Symbology: the princess Andromeda
Right ascension: 1 h
Declination: 40°
Area: 722 sq. deg. (19th)
Main stars: 4, 18
Bayer/Flamsteed stars: 63
Stars known to have planets: 2
Bright stars: 3
Nearby stars: 5
Brightest star: Alpheratz (α And) (2.1m)
Nearest star: Ross 248 (10.32 ly)
Messier objects: 3
Meteor showers: Andromedids (Bielids)
Bordering constellations: Perseus
Visible at latitudes between +90° and −40°
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of November
This is a free-form notes/reference section.

[edit] Disputed science

Intended as a tool to categorize and concisely summarize the tenets of a controversial scientific theory, model, belief, or observation. See WikiProject Pseudoscience.

Implemented as {{Infobox Pseudoscience}}.

Pseudoscientific Concepts

The moon's lithosphere is composed of cheese, as opposed to the silicate rock composition postulated by mainstream science.

Related scientific disciplines:
Year proposed: 1978

Original proponents:

  • A. Nonymous

Current proponents:

  • B. Nonymous
  • C. Nonymous

[edit] Medicine

Infoboxes of the Wikiproject Medicine

List of infoboxes/Sciences
Classification and external resources

{{subst:Infobox Disease}}
The infobox for diseases, disorders and syndromes

Symptom/Sign: {{{Name}}}
Classifications and external resources
ICD-10 {{{ICD10}}}
ICD-9 {{{ICD9}}}

{{subst:Infobox Symptom}}
Infobox for symptoms or clinical signs

List of infoboxes/Sciences
Place Unknown, (? country)
Care System/Type Unknown
Emergency Dept. Unknown
Beds Unknown
Founded Unknown
Website Unknown
See also

{{subst:Infobox hospital}}
Infobox for hospitals or clinics

[edit] Tropical cyclones

Tropical cyclones, including hurricanes and typhoons. See Wikipedia:WikiProject Tropical cyclones and Portal:Tropical cyclones.

Hurricane Katrina
Category 5 hurricane (SSHS)
Hurricane Katrina with winds of 160 mph (255 km/h) on August 29, 2005 at 0045 UTC.

Hurricane Katrina with winds of 160 mph (255 km/h) on August 29, 2005 at 0045 UTC.
Formed August 23, 2005
Dissipated August 31, 2005
175 mph (280 km/h) (1-minute sustained)
Lowest pressure 902 mbar (hPa)
Damage $~75 billion (costliest tropical cyclone of all time) [1]
Fatalities 1,383 (potentially more)
Bahamas, South Florida, Cuba, Louisiana (especially Greater New Orleans), Mississippi, Alabama, Florida Panhandle, most of eastern North America
Part of the
2005 Atlantic hurricane season

[edit] Scientists

For biographies of scientists.

Marie Curie
Maria Skłodowska-Curie.
Maria Skłodowska-Curie.
Born November 7, 1867
Warsaw, Poland
Died July 4, 1934
Sancellemoz, France
Residence France Flag of France
Nationality Polish Flag of Poland-French Flag of France
Fields Physicist and chemist
Institutions Sorbonne
Alma mater Sorbonne and ESPCI
Doctoral advisor Henri Becquerel
Doctoral students André-Louis Debierne
Marguerite Catherine Perey
Known for Radioactivity
Notable awards Nobel Prize for Physics (1903)
Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1911)
The only person to win two Nobel Prizes in different science fields. Married to Pierre Curie (m. 1895), with notable children Irène Joliot-Curie and Ève Curie.